+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Aquaculture extension activities

1. Trainings/Workshops/Seminars organized
b) National Level
i) Training Programmes

Name of the faculty Date Place Title Sponsored by
Dr. K S Ramesh
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M
2-3-2019 Davanagere National Surveillance
programme for aquatic
animal diseases
College of Fisheries,
Mangalore, Department
of Fisheries and KVK
Dr. K S Ramesh
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M
21-2-2019 Ayyanegere,
National Surveillance
programme for aquatic
animal diseases
College of Fisheries,
Mangalore and Department of Fisheries
Dr. E G Jayaraj, Dr. Basavaraj, Dr. K S Ramesh, Dr. Ganapathi Naik M 12.06.2018 to 07.07.2018 College of Fisheries, Mangalore Skill Development Program on Aquaculture Technician Training Funded by NFDB, Hyderabad College of Fisheries and NFDB, Hyderabad
Dr. K S Ramesh
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M
9 Feb, 2018 KVK, Mudigere Training programme on “National Surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” NFDB
Dr. K S Ramesh
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M
20 Dec, 2017 BRP, Shivamoga Training programme on “National Surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” NFDB
Dr. K S Ramesh
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M
14 Feb, 2017 Budanoor, Mandya Training programme on “National Surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” NFDB
Dr. K S Ramesh
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M
20 Jan, 2017 H. D. Kote, Mysore Training programme on “National surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” NFDB


2. Participation as Resource scientist in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops/   Seminars/ Symposia/ Winter School, etc. 
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “Soil and Water Characteristics of Brackishwater Farms in Coastal Karnataka and BMPs for Sustainable Aquaculture” on 4-12-2021 at Kundapur sponsored by ICAR-CIBA, Chennai.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “New aquaculture technologies” on 4-9-2021 at Sullia sponsored by Department of Fisheries, Government of Karnataka.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “National Surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” on 21-2-2019 at KVK, Davanagere sponsored by NFDB, Hyderabad.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “Skill Development Programme on Aquaculture Technician Training” from 12-6-2018 to 7-7-2018 at College of Fisheries, Mangalore sponsored by NFDB, Hyderabad.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “National Surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” on 9-2-2018 at KVK , Mudigere sponsored by NFDB.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “National Surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” on 20-12-2017 at BRP, Shivamoga sponsored by NFDB, Hyderabad.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “National surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” on 14-2-2017 at Budanoor, Mandya sponsored by NFDB, Hyerabad.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated as a resource person in a training programme on “National surveillance programme for aquatic animal diseases” on 20-1-2017 at H. D. Kote, Mysore sponsored by NFDB, Hyderabad.


3. Participation as trainee scientists in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Winter School, etc.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated in the Refresher course on “Biodiversity conservation and its applications” organized by Kumvempu University, Shivamogga from 12-11-2009 to 02-12-2009.

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated in Off-campus training programme on “e-Content Management” organized by National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad from 29-5-2009 to 04-6-2009.
Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated in a training programme on “Multimedia Content Development” sponsored by National Academy of Agricultural Research Management,  Hyderabad from  03-8-2009 to 14-8- 2009.

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated in ICAR sponsored winter school on “Reclamation of saline and alkaline soils through aquaculture”6-11-2013 to 26-11- 2013 at College of Fisheries, Mangalore.

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M. participated in a National workshop on “Role of Fisheries Sector in Food Security and Sustainability” organized by The Alumni Association of College of Fisheries(COFFA), Mangalore and College of Fisheries, Mangalore  held on 27 & 28 January 2023 at Mangalore.


4. Demonstrations / Exhibitions/Field days/Matsyamela

Name of the faculty

Name of the KrishiMelas/ Exhibition


Name of the organizing Institution

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

Science Exhibition

19-20th September 2015

PilikulaNisargadhama, Mangalore.

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

Krishi & Matsya Mela-2015

27-30, September 2015

UAS, Dharwad

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

National Level Science Fest

28-29th January 2016

St.Aloysius College, Mangalore

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

National Matsya Mela-2016

4-6th March 2016

Dr. T. M. A. Pai International Convention Centre, Mangalore.

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

National Level Science Fest (IMPRINTS -2017)

3rd February 2017

St. Aloysius College, Mangalore

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

Udupi Mastyamela-2017

02-3-2017 to 04-3-2017

Malpe beach

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

Science Exhibition

January 10th to 15th 2018

S.V.S College, Bantwal

Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

Science Exhibition

24th to 26th February, 2018

Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal


5. Supply of fish/other farm produce to farmers

Name of the faculty

Supplied item and Quantity


Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

Supplied food fish and ornamental fish seed on regular basis.

Supplied good quality fish seed so as to enable fish farmers to achieve better fish production.


6. Consultancy / Advisory Services

Name of the faculty

Total Number


Dr. Ganapathi Naik M

Consultancy has been given on regular basis.

Consultancy has been given to the fish farmers/entrepreneurs/general public about fish/shrimp/prawn/crab culture, ornamental fish breeding, aquatic ornamental plants propagation, preparation of fish feed, common fish diseases and their treatments etc.


Extension Publications

  1. Ganapathi Naik M., 2010. Hand book of aquarium keeping (Kannada)
  2. Ganapathi Naik M., 2011. Food Irradiation (Hand book in Kannada)
  3. Ganapathi Naik M., 2013. Meteorology and Geography (A Text Book in English)
  4. Jayaraj, E. G., N Basavaraj, K S Ramesh, Ganapathi Naik M., Manjulesh Pai, Abhiman and Surendranath 2018. Hand book on Aquaculture for Aquaculture Technicians.
  5. Ganapathi Naik M., Abhiman P B, Manjulesh Pai, Mahadevi, Anitha Nagaraj, 2020. New Aquaculture Technologies (Hand book in English)
  6. Senthilvel, A., Ganapathi Naik M., Abhiman P B, Rakesh K, Prinicy P, Monica, 2021. Fish Galaxy (Hand book in English)
  7. Shivakumar Magada, Ganapathi Naik M., Rakesh K., Monica K S and Detty Nebu, 2022. New Aquaculture Technologies (Hand book in Kannada)

Popular articles

  1. Ganapathi Naik, M, 2005. Blast fishing and environment. Savithavani, a Kannada monthly.
  2. Ganapathi Naik, M., 2006.Our seas must not become dust bins. New Hosabaduku, a Kannada monthly.
  3. Ganapathi Naik, M., 2017. Small scale fish culture. Published in a book entitled” Fish Culture Technologies” (Kannada). Editors: Dr. E. G. Jayaraj and Dr. Shivakaumar Magada.
  4. Ganapathi Naik,  M.,  2017. Ornamental fish production. Published in a book entitled” Fish Culture Technologies” (Kannada). Editors: Dr. E. G. Jayaraj and Dr. Shivakaumar Magada.
  5. Ganapathi Naik,  M., 2017. Management of fish farm and fish farm articles. Published in a book entitled” Fish Culture Technologies” (Kannada) Editors: Dr. E. G. Jayaraj and Dr. Shivakaumar Magada.
  6. Monica K S., Ganapathi Naik, M. and Jayashree Swamy, May 2022. A look at Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) System. Aqua International.
  7. Monica K S, Detty Nebu, Rakesh K and Ganapathi Naik M. 2022. Fish kills during summer. Aqua International.
  8. Detty Nebu, Monica K S, Rakesh K and Ganapathi Naik M., 2022. Recirulatory Aquaculture System (RAS):  Way forward to intensive and sustainable aquaculture production.  Aqua International.


  1. Ramesh, K. S., Ganapathi Naik M, Satish Rama Poojari and Inchara U B., 2017.  Detection and prevention of diseases in freshwater fishes.
  2. Ganapathi Naik M., 2011. Eco-friendly biofuel (English)
  3. Ganapathi Naik M., 2010.  Aquarium-Maneyolagondu Mastyaloka (Kannada)



