+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Department of Aquaculture


The Department offers subjects which include Principles of Aquaculture, Freshwater Aquaculture, Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Fish food organisms, Ornamental Fish Production and Management, Coastal Aquaculture and Mariculture, Aquaculture in Reservoirs, Genetics and Breeding, Introduction to Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Finfish Hatchery Management, Shellfish Hatchery Management.

Major breakthroughs of the Department: Development of technology for the management of captive brood stock, breeding and larval rearing of the Decan masher (Tor khudree) and practical protocol for the cryopreservation of T. khudree spermatozoa. Captive brood stock development, induced breeding and larval rearing method has been developed for the peninsular olive barb, butter catfish, Cauvery carp and Barbodes carnaticus. Production of monosex progenies of the Mozambique tilapia and guppy. Production of 100% sterile common carp population. Developed captive breeding technique for 16 indigenous Western Ghat ornamental fishes. Captive breeding technique has been developed for the first time in the world for Garra gotyla.

Farmer level monoclonal antibody based kits were developed against three pathogens A. hydrophila, White muscle disease of prawn and A. invadans of Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS). Development of monoclonal antibodies against IgM of Catla and Rohu. These antibodies, developed again by hybridoma technology, could be used to check the serum titre in catla and rohu employing ELISA. Development of Monoclonal antibodies against two antibiotics Oxytetracycline and Sulfadimethoxine and further development of Silver enhanced sandwich flow-through assay for detection of the residues of these antibiotics. Development of monoclonal antibodies against shrimp proteins of P. monodon which could differentiate P. monodon meat from other relative species, hence helpful in detection of adulteration. Development and standardization of A. hydrophila biofilm oral vaccine developed on chitin particle following standard procedure - murrel (Channa striatus) as carnivore model. Flocculation of WSSV in pond water by organic and inorganic flocculants was evaluated. Commercialized monoclonal antibody based rapid dot kit for field-level detection of WSSV.

Developed bioencapsulated hatchery diets for freshwater prawn. Developed prebiotics, probiotic, organic acid and herbal-based feeds for better growth performance and health of fishes.

Major activities of Research and Instructional Fish Farm: Provision of facilities for UG & PG classes and research work. Provision of facilities for Hands-on training. Seed production of food fishes and ornamental fishes and their distribution. Farm advisory/consultancy services.

Aquaculture Overview