+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Aquaculture Publications




  1. Sanjay Singh Rathore, Shivananda Murthy Hanumappa, Sajidkhan Ibrahimkhan Yusufzai, Nitin Kanji Suyani, Muhammad Abdullah‑Al‑Mamun, Shamima Nasren, Mohammad Junaid Sidiq, Srinivasa Kamsagara Hanumanthappa and Rakesh K. 2022. Dietary Administration of Engineered Nano‑selenium and Vitamin C Ameliorates Immune Response, Nutritional Physiology, Oxidative Stress, and Resistance Against Aeromonas hydrophila in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Biological Trace Element Research. 
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-022-03473-3; NAAS 9.74.


  1. Amogha, K. R., M. Ganapathi Naik, S. R. Somashekara, D. Shivani Gowda and H.S. Praveen Joshi, 2022. Synergestic effect of probiotic, prebiotic and yeast on water quality, growth performance and survival of Amur common carp (Cyprinus carpio Haematopterus). Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 25 (1): 1173-1183. DOI: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2022.25.1173;
    NASS 5.25.
  2. Jayashri Mahadev Swamy, M. Ganapathi Naik, K. H. Srinivasa, K. S Monica, K. Rakesh  and Detty Nebu, 2022. Effect of dietary ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) on growth performance, whole body composition and water quality parameters in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 25: 2631-2638.
    DOI: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2022.25.2631; NASS 5.25.
  3. Shruthi, Lakshmipathi, M. T., Rakesh,  K. and Padmanabha,  A. 2022. Histological alteration in gills and liver of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) after fed with antibiotic oxytetracycline. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 25(2):1793-1806. DOI: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2022.25.1793; NAAS 5.25.
  4. Shruthi, Lakshmipathi, M.T. and Rakesh,  K. 2022. Toxicological effects of oxytetracycline on hematological and enzymological parameters in common carp, Cyprinus carpio. J Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 25(2):1339-1352. DOI: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2022.25.1339; NAAS 5.25.




  1. Dharmakar Padala, Ganapathi Naik Marakini, Anjusha Kokkam Valappil, PrabhashLal Prabhakaran, Mamun Muhammad Abdullah Al and Ramesh Kaval giriyanahalli Srinivasiah, 2021. Effect of dietary peppermint (Menthapiperita) on growth, survival, disease resistance and haematology on fingerlings of rohu (Labeo rohita). Aquaculture Research, 52 (3):1-9. DOI:10.1111/are.15120; NASS 8.08.
  2. Sanjay S. R, Murthy, H. S, Mamun, M. A. A, Shamima N, Rakesh, K, Naveen K. B. T, Abhiman, P. B, Ajay S. K. 2021. Nano-selenium Supplementation to Ameliorate Nutrition Physiology, Immune Response, Antioxidant System and Disease Resistance Against Aeromonas hydrophila in Monosex Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Biological Trace Element Research. 199:3073:3088.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-020-02416-0; NAAS 9.74.
  3. Sanjay S. R, Murthy, H. S, S. K. Girisha, M. S. Nithin, Shamima N,   Mamun, M. A. A, T. G. Puneeth, Rakesh, K, Naveen K. B. T, and M. Pai. 2021.   Supplementation of nano‐selenium in fish diet: Impact on selenium assimilation and immune-regulated selenoproteome expression in monosex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology Part C Toxicology And Pharmacology, 240 (11): 108907.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2020.108907; NAAS 9.23.


  1. Rakesh, K., H. S. Murthy, M. G. Ananda, M. B. Prasad, S. S. Rathore, D. G. Shivani and M. A. A. Mamun. 2021. Effect of dietary supplementation of leucine and vitamin c combination on growth and survival in Indian major carp, Labeo rohita.  Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. 24 (2):1125-1130. DOI: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2021.24.1125; NAAS 5.25.
  2. Rakesh, K., H. S. Murthy, M. G. Ananda, M. B. Prasad, S. S. Rathore and Sowndarya N. S. 2021. Effect of dietary supplementation of leucine and vitamin c combination on immune response and disease resistance in Indian major carp, Labeo rohita. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. 25 (1):175-183. DOI: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2022.25.175; NAAS 5.25.



  1. Rakesh, K., Ganapathi Naik, M, Nevil Pinto, K. M. Shankar, B. T. Naveen Kumar, Satish Rama Poojary and P. B. Abhiman, 2020. Evaluation of efficacy of oxolinic acid against Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 23 (2): 1783-1785. DOI: www.connectjournals.com/jez; NAAS 5.25.
  2. Anchal Chandravanshi, Ganapathi Naik M., Prashant Chandravanshi, S. S. Rathore, Kuldeep Jaiswal, Devendra Sahu and Naresh Raj Keer, 2020. Effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) on growth and survival of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. 23(2): 1265-1268. DOI: www.connectjournals.com/jez ; NAAS 5.25.
  3. Anchal Chandravanshi, M. Ganapathi Naik, Prashant Chandravanshi, S. S. Rathore, Kuldeep Jaiswal, Devendra Sahu and Naresh Raj Keer, 2020. Camellia sinensis (green tea) as feed additive enhanced immune response and disease resistance of Cyprinus carpio (common carp) against Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. 23(2): 1383-1390.  DOI: www.connectjournals.com/jez ; NAAS 5.25



  1. Basavaraja, N., Pau  Biak  Lun,  K.,  Milind  B. Katare and Pinder,  A.C. 2019. Hormone   induced   spawning and embryogenesis of Cauvery carp, Barbodes carnaticus
    (Jerdon 1849) : implications for commercial culture and conservation. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 57: 86-94
  2. Anand Prasad, P., H. Shivanada Murthy, D. Ravindra Kumar Reddy, M. Ganapathi Naik, Gangadhara Gowda, K. Mansingh Naik, Ramana, T.V and Akshaya Panigrahi, 2019, Histopathology of rohu, Labeo rohita(Hamilton) after infecting with Aeromonas hydrophila. International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences. 4(6):269-274.
  3. Mamun, M.A.A., Nasren, S., Abhiman, P.B., Rathore, S.S., Ganapathi Naik, M. Sowndarya, N. S., Ramesh, K.S. and Shankar, K.M., 2019, Investigation of production, formation and characterization of biofilm cells of Aeromonas hydrophila for oral vaccination of fish . Journal of Experimental Zoology, India22 (2): 1115-1123



  1. Anand Prasad, P., H.Shivanada Murthy, D.Ravindra Kumar Reddy, M.Ganapathi Naik, Gangadhara Gowda, K.Mansingh Naik, O.Sudhakar and Ramana, T.V,2018, Effect of biofloc on water quality parameters in rohu, Labeo rohita(Hamilton) culture tanks., Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.7(08):3167-3173.
  2. Anand Prasad, P., H.Shivanada Murthy, D.Ravindra Kumar Reddy, M. Ganapathi Naik, Gangadhara Gowda, K.Mansingh Naik, A.Chandra Sekhara Rao and T.V. Ramana, 2018, Hematological responses in rohu, Labeo rohita(Hamilton) after infecting with Aeromonas hydrophila in biofloc systems, Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.7(12):1150-1153.
  3. Dharmakar Padala, Ganapathi Naik M, Anjusha KV, Ramesh KS, Abhiman PB and Rakesh K Growth promoter effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) on rohu (Labeo rohita). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, Vol 6(4):537-539.
  4. Rakesh, K., Ganapathi Naik, M., Nevil Pinto, Padala Dharmakar and Anjusha, K.V. 2018 A review on drugs used in aquaculture International Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences (accepted for publication).
  5. S. V. Surendranath, K. M. Nesara, K. Rakesh, K. R. Amogha and M. Ganapathi Naik 2018 Evaluation of efficacy of platy (xiphophorus maculatus) as larvivorous fish to control mosquito larvae International Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences (accepted for publication).



International Journals

  1. Katare, M.B., Lakra, W.S., Chadha, N.K., Basavaraja, N.,  Subodh Gupta and  Paramita  Banerjee Sawant. Masculinization of dwarf gourami  Trichogaster  lalius through immersion and dietary treatment of 17α- methyltestosterone, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 87 (9): 1077-1080


National Journals

  1. Basavaraja, N., Pau Biak Lun, K., Milind B. Katare and Pinder, A.C. Hormone induced spawning and embryogenesis of Cauvery carp, Barbodes carnaticus (Jerdon 1849) : implications for commercial culture and conservation Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (accepted)


International Journals

  1. Sharanappa Biradar,  H. Shivananda Murthy,  E.G. Jayaraj, Prakash Patil and Naveen Kumar B.T. 2016. Effect of Microbial Phytase on Growth and Survival in Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Aquaculture International, DOI 101007/s10499-016-0057-2.
  2. S. J. Meshram* Shivananda Murthy H, H. S. Swain, H., Pai R,  Ali, T. and H. B. Dhamgaye. 2016.Preliminary Study of the Effect of Dietary Beta-Glucan on the Gut Morphology of Giant Freshwater Prawn,Macrobrachium rosenbergii. International Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 4 (4)- 2016:90-94.
  3. H Shivananda Murthy, Akshaya Manai, Prakash Patil, 2016. Effect of Betaine Hydrochloride as feed attractant on growth, survival and feed utilization of common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Journal Aquaculture & Marine Biology, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 83-90.

National Journals

  1. A. Hosseinpoor Zelaty, H. Shivanada Murthy, Nilima Priyadarshini, S. J. Meshram and Adnan Amin. 2016. Effect of dietary marigold oleresin on growth performance, survival, body composition and water quality changes during macrobrachium rosenbergii culture. J. Exp. Zool. India, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 785-791, 2016.
  2. H Shivananda Murthy.2016. Biomolecules and their role in enhancing growth, immune response and disease resistance in fish and shell fish. ‘Training manual on Aquatic Medicine’, Published by College of Fisheries, Mangalore, pages 32-34.


International Journals

  1. Ali Z, and H Shivananda Murthy. 2015. Influence of dietary supplementation of carotenoid (Diacetate of Lutein-Mesozeaxanthin)on growth performance, biochemical body composition in freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbrgii.International Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 4(2):1-8.
  2. Prakash V Parmar, Shivananda Murthy, H,  Tejpal, C and Naveen Kumar B.T 2012. Effect of brewer's yeast on immune response of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachiumrosenbergii and its resistance to white muscle disease, Aquaculture International, DOI 10.1007/s10499-012-9520.
  3. Tejpal C S, E B Sumitha, A K Pal, H Shivananda Murthy, N P Sahu& G M Siddaiah. 2014. Effect of dietary supplementation of L-tryptophan on thermal tolerance and oxygen consumption rate in Cirrhinusmrigalafingerlings under varied stocking density. Journal of Thermal Biology 41 (2014)59-64.
  4. S. J. Meshram H. Shivananda Murthy, H. S. Swain, H. Ali, T. D. Jagadeesh and H. B. Dhamgaye. 2014. Effects of dietary beta-glucan on growth and body composition of Macrobrachiumrosenbergii, Bioscan,9(2):543-546.
  5. Varadaraju S,HShivananda Murthy  and B Hanumanthappa2014Suitability of coastal soil and  water for brackishwater shrimp farming along Udupi District, Karnataka, India. Trends in Biosciences, 7 (20): 3278-3283.
  6. S. J. MeshramH. Shivananda MurthyH. AliH. S. Swain,Abhiman B. 2015.Effect of dietary β-glucan on immune response and disease resistance againstAeromonashydrophila in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachiumrosenbergii (de Man. 1879),Aquaculture International, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 439-447
  7. SampaBaidya and H Shivananda Murthy.2015. Growth performance and body composition of rohu,Labeorohitafed organic selenium supplemented diets. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2015(5):65-68.
  8. B.T.Naveen Kumar, H Shivananda Murthy, Prakashpatil, PradeepDoddamani. 2015. Enhanced immune response and resistance to white tail disease in chitin-diet fed freshwater prawn, Macrobrachiumrosenbergii. Aquaculture Reports (Elsevier), 2, 34-38.
  9. SampaBaidya and H Shivananda Murthy.2015. Effect of Nucleotide on Growth, Immune Responses and Resistance of LabeoRohitato AeromonasHydrophilaInfection,International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2 (4)- 2015:1-4.
  10. Ali Z,and H Shivananda Murthy. 2015. Influence of dietary supplementation of carotenoid (Diacetate of Lutein-Mesozeaxanthin)on growth performance, biochemical body composition in freshwater prawn,Macrobrachiumrosenbrgii. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Accepted).
National Journals
  1. Sampa Baidya and H Shivananda Murthy.2015. Growth, survival and body composition of Labeo rohita fed with different levels of nucleotide supplemented diets, Frontier Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Vol.4. No.2, (July-Dec), pages-189-193.
  2. Jagadeesh T D, H Shivananda Murthy, S Himanshu Swain, N Chethan, A R Manjunatha and VarunaBaglodi. 2014. Effect of marigold oleoresin on growth, survival and pigmentation in orange chromide, Etroplus maculates (Bloch, 1795). Fishery Technology, 51(2014):25-30.
  3. Himanshu S Swain, Shivananda Murthy H, BabinBopanna, PrashantiNayak, Jagadish TD,  Meshram S J & Ali Hosseinpoor.2014. Anti-freeze proteins and their role in fishes. Fishing Chimes, 33 (9), 62-64.
  4. Naveen Kumar BT, H Shivananda Murthy and Pradeep Doddamani.20013. Effect of chitin on growth and survival of giant freshwater prawn, M rosenbergii (de Man), Environment & Ecology, 31, (4A):1927-1934.
  5. SampaBaidya and H Shivananda Murthy.2015. Growth, survival and body composition of Labeorohita fed with different levels of nucleotide supplemented diets, Frontier Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (Accepted).


Basavaraja, N., Chandrashekhara, B.H. and Rather, M.A., 2014. Norethindrone-induced masculinization and progeny testing in guppy, Poeciliareticulata (Peters 1859).Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 52 : 232-236.

Basavaraja, N., 2014. Comments on Hypselobarbuspulchellus part of the articles by Knight et al. (2013a,b) published in JoTT. Journal of Threatened Taxa6(1): 5417–5418; http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/JoTT.o3899.5417-8.

N. Basavaraja, 2014. Indigenousfreshwaterfishesforaquaculturediversification and theirconservation in Peninsular India. In :Proc. Nat. Seminar  `IndigenousFinfishSpeciesforAquacultureDiversification: Current Status and Prospects in North Eastern Region’  (eds. Tamuli, K.K., Borthakur, S., Phukan, B. and Baishya, S.), College of Fisheries, Assam AgriculturalUniversity, Raha, September 27, 2014. pp.108-111.

Pradeep L. Doddamani, N. Basavaraja, B. T. NaveenKumar,B. K. Behera, M.K. Tripathy, Soma D. Sarkar, Sampurna R. Choudhury and A. K. Sahoo, 2014. Effect of BiogutonGrowth Performance ofCyprinuscarpio (Linn.) Fingerlings. TheIsraeliJournal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, IJA_64.2014.1122, 10 pages

Basavaraja, N.,Chandrashekhara, B.H. and Rather, M.A., 2014. Norethindrone-inducedmasculinization and progenytesting in guppy,Poeciliareticulata (Peters 1859).IndianJournal of Experimental Biology, 52 : 232-236.


International Journals

Rather, M.A. and Basavaraja, N., 2013. Embryonic and larval development of olive barb, Puntius saranasarana (Hamilton 1822).The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, IJA_64.2013.916.

Basavaraja, N., 2013. Efficacy of macrogard (an immunostimulant) on growth and survival in shrimps and carps.Indian Journal of Animal Research, 57 (5) : 443-448.

Basavaraja, N., Lun, P.B., ManjuleshPai and Katare, M.B., 2013. Hormone-induced natural spawning, embryology and larval rearing of threatened butter catfish, Ompokbimaculatus (Bloch).Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 27 (1) : 33-43.

Shivananda Murthy, H., Kumarswamy R., Rajesh K. M. and Palaksha K. J. 2012. Effect of different shelters on survival and growth of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Taiwan, Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2012

Prakash V Parmar, Shivananda Murthy, H,  Tejpal, C and Naveen Kumar B.T 2012. Effect of brewer's yeast on immune response of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and its resistance to white muscle disease, Aquaculture International (Accepted for publication)

Ramachandra Naik A.T.  and  Shivananda Murthy, H, 2012. Effect of dietary administration of sardine oil on growth and survival ofMacrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man), Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamedgeh, 64.2012.689, 6 pages.

Shivananda Murthy H, Yogeeshababu MC and Tejpal CS. 2012.Preliminary Evaluation of the Potential of B. plicatilis for use as a live food for freshwater prawn larvae, Open Access Scientific Reports,http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/scientificreports.383.

National Journals
Shivananda Murthy, A.T. Ramachandra Naik, C. S. Tejpal and H. R. Sujatha. 2011. Dietary marine oil on growth and enzymatic activity of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82 (5), 110-115, May 2012.

Amir Mohseni, H.Shivananda Murthy, E.G jayaraj, R.Shankar and C.S.Tejpal. 2011. Effect of brewers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on growth, survival and immune response in Labeo rohita. 2012.  Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82(7):114-117.

Shivananda Murthy H and Tanuja, K 2011.Biomass and cyst production of Artemia fed with lipid enriched diets. Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 26 (1-2), 21-29.


Shankar,  R., Shivananda Murthy, H., Sujatha , H. R., Jayaraj, E. G., Tejpal, C. S., Cinthamani, V. S. 2012. Effect of nucleotide on growth, immune responses and resistance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) to Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and extra small virus (XSV) and Aeromonas hydrophila infection, Aquaculture International, 20(1):1-12.

Basavaraja,N., Lun, P.B., Rather, M.A. and Katare, M.B., 2012.  Successful induced breeding of the Cauvery carp, Puntius carnaticus (Jerdon). Fishing Chimes, 32 (4) : 44-45.

Das, R., Rather, M.A., Basavaraja N., Sharma, R. and Udit, U.K., 2012. Effect of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor on sex reversal of Oreochromismossambicus (Peters, 1852).The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh,IJA_64.2012.703,6 pages.

Basavaraja, N., Chandrashekhara, B.H. and Rather, M.A., 2012. Production of an all-male population of guppy, Poeciliareticulata (Schneider).Current Science, 103 (10) : 1151-1152.

Vinod, B.H., Basavaraja, N., Pavan Kumar, A., GireeshBabu, P. and  AparnaChaudhari, 2013.  Genetic characterization and molecular identification of two morphologically similar species of whiting, Sillagosihama (Forsskal) and Sillagovincenti (McKay, 1980).Indian Journal of Fisheries,60 (2) : 59-65.


Prakash Parmar, V., Shivananda Murthy, H., Tejpal, C. and Naveen Kumar B.T. 2012. Effect of brewer's yeast on immune response of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and its resistance to white muscle disease, Aquaculture Internationa.l (Accepted for publication)
Kangku Oliver, Sangma, N.and Basavaraja, N. 2012. Comparative growth and survival of hatchery produced and wild fingerlings of Deccan mahseer, Tor khudree (Sykes). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 26:


Shivananda Murthy, H., Kumarswamy, R., Rajesh, K. M. and Palaksha, K. J. 2011. Effect of different shelters on survival and growth of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Taiwan (Accepted).
Vasanthakumar, A., Basavaraja, N.,  Manjappa, N. and Vinod, B.H. 2011. Manipulation of sex and progeny testing in common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linn.). Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 26 (1-2) : 63-81.


Ramachandra Naik, A.T., Shivananda Murthy, H.,  Tejpal, C. S. and Sujatha, H. R. 2011. Effect of dietary administration of sardine oil on growth and survival of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man), Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamedgeh (Accepted).


Amir Mohseni, Shivananda Murthy, H., Jayaraj, E.G., Shankar, R. and Tejpal, C.S. 2011. Effect of brewers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on growth, survival and immune response in Labeo rohita.2011. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences (Accepted)


Shivananda Murthy, H., Ramachandra Naik, A.T., Tejpal, C. S. and Sujatha, H. R. 2011. Dietary marine oil on growth and enzymatic activity of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences (Accepted)


Sharanappa Biradar, Shivananda Murthy, H., Jayaraj, E.G., Prakash Patil and Naveen Kumar, B.T. 2011. Effect of Microbial Phytase on Growth and Survival in Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture Nutrition (Accepted).


Rajreddy Patil, , Shankar, K. M., * Krupesh Sharma, S.R., Amod Kulkarni, Prakash Patil, Naveen Kumar, B.T. 2011. Epitope analysis of white spot syndrome virus of Penaeus monodon by in vivo neutralization assay employing a panel of monoclonal antibodies *Fish and Shellfish immunology, 1-7.
Abhiman, Shankar, K.M., Raj reddy Patil,, Suresh Babu, P.P.,  Sahoo, A.k. and Shamsunder, B.A. 2011, Monoclonal antibody based immunodot for specific detection of proteins of the shrimp Penaeus species, Doi :1007/s 13197-011-0554-2, published online, Oct 27, 2011. Journal of Food Science and Technology.
Raj reddy Patil , Shankar, K.M., Naveen, B. T., 2011. Development of a monoclonal antibody based flow through immunoassay (FTA) for detection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon (Fabricius)" Journal of Fish Diseases.(In press).


Sujatha, H.R., Shivananda Murthy, H. 2010. “End-user training on the utilization of electronic information sources in fisheries sciences institutions in South India", Electronic Library, Vol. 28, Iss: 5, pp.741 – 754.


Vinod, B.H. and Basavaraja, N. 2010. Effect of diethylstilbestrol and norethindrone on sex ratio and body indices of common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linn.). Asian Fisheries Science, 23 (1) : 100-115.


Kangku Oliver Sangma, N..and Basavaraja, N. 2010. Induced breeding, embryology and rearing of  fry of Deccan mahseer, Tor khudree (Sykes). Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 25(1) : 13-24.


Vinod, B.H. and Basavaraja, N. 2010. Reproductive biology of the Indian sand whiting, Sillago sihama (Forsskal) – maturity stages, fecundity, spermatozoa and histology of gonads. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 57 (4) : 21-29.


Krupesha Sharma, S.R., Shankar, K. M. *,  Sathyanarayana, M.L., Sahoo, A.K., Rajreddy, Patil, Narayanaswamy, H.D., Suguna Rao. Evaluation of immune response and resistance to diseases in tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon fed with biofilm of Vibrio alginolyticus , Fish & Shellfish Immunology 29 (2010) :724-732.


Krupesha Sharma, S. R., Shankar*, K. M.,  Sathyanarayana, M. L., Raj Reddy, Patil and Narayana Swamy, H. D. 2010, Development of biofilm of Vibrio alginolyticus for oral immunostimulation of shrimp. Aquaculture International, Online First™


Pradhan, P. K., Mohan, C. V, Shankar, K. M. and Mohana Kumar, B. (2010). Injection of forty -five day old fingerlings of common carp with zoospores of Aphanomyces invadans leads to histopathological lesions suggestive of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) . Asian Fisheries Science, (in press).


Sahoo, A.K., Mohan, C. V., Shankar, K. M., corsin, F., Turnbull, J. F., Thakur, P.C, Hao, N.V., Morgan, K. L. and Padiyar, A.P.  2010, Clinical white spot diseases status in Penaeus monodon during the middle of the culture period-its epidemiological significance, Journal of Fish Diseases 33, 609-615.


Shivananda Murthy1, H., Li, , Lawrence, A. L. and Gatlin III, D. M. 2009.  Dietary β-glucan and nucleotide effects on growth, survival and immune responses of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, Journal of Applied Aquaculture (USA), 21:160-168.


Shivananda Murthy, H., Tejpal and Sunil Chandra, 2009. Strategies for extension education in animal husbandry and fisheries sector for the next decade, KVAFS University, 2009, pp-72.


Sujatha, H.R. and Shivananada Murthy, H. 2009. Use of communication technologies for web based teaching and learning in academic organizations with special reference to fisheries education, Fishing Chimes, Vol. 2 (4); July 2009, 41-46.


PengLi, Gary Bur, Qin Wena, Jonathan Goffa, B., Shivananda Murthy, H.  and Delbert Gatlin, 2008. Dietary sufficiency of sulfur amino acid compounds influences plasma ascorbic acid concentrations and live peroxidation of juvenile hybrid striped bass (Moronechrysops x M.saxatilis), Aquaculture Volume 287, Issues 3-4, 18 February 2009, Pages 414-418.


Jayaraj, E. G., Shivananda Murthy, H., Shankar, R. and Parmar, P.K. 2008. Status and current trends in fish and shellfish nutrition and feed technology. In: Aquaculture nutrition and feeds research in India (Eds.Wing-Keong Ng et al.)Rajiv Gandhi Center for Aquaculture, Nagapattanam, India, Pp 15-23.


Shivanada Murthy, H., Prakash Pavadi, Sudhakar, N.S., Manjappa, N. , Chinthamani, V.S. and Shankar, R. 2008. Fish compost and its effect on growth and survival of Indian major carp, Labeo rohita. Journal of Applied Aquaculture (USA),21:1-11, 2009.


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