+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Aquaculture Extension Activities Archive

Supply of chicks/animals/fish/fodder seeds/root slip/other farm produce to farmers


Supplied item and quantity


Makonahalli reservoir, Tumkur District

10,000 fingerlings of P. sarana sarana

To enhance capture fisheries


Extension  Publications
Rather, M.A., Phukan, B., Naveen Kumar, B.T., Basavaraja, N. and Baishya, S.  Climate change – Impact on fisheries and aquaculture. Fishing Chimes, accepted.


Papers  presented
Presented four papers at the Ninth Indian Fisheries Forum,  held during 19-23 December, 2011, Chennai.
1. Growth performance of olive barb, Puntius sarana sarana (Hamilton) in a recirculatory system.
2. Preliminary study on captive brood-stock development and induced breeding of the Cauvery carp, Puntius carnaticus (Jerdon 1849).
3. Growth performance of olive barb, Puntius sarana sarana (Hamilton) in a recirculatory system.
4. Induced breeding of threatened butter catfish, Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch)


Extension publications (Books, training manuals, popular articles, leaflets etc) 
Papers presented in National / International Symposia / Workshops

  1. Rather, M.A., Phukan, B., Naveen Kumar, B.T., Basavaraja, N and Baishya, S.  Climate change – Impact on fisheries and aquaculture. Fishing Chimes, accepted.
  2. Ramachandra Bhatta, Sri. Gunakar, S., Aarthi Sridhar, Dr. Naveen Namboothri, Sajan John and Marianne Manuel, 2012. A Dialogue on Managing Karnataka’s Fisheries, College of Fisheries, Mangalore and Dakshin Foundation, Bangalore, Feb 2012.
  3. Shivananda Murthy, H., 2011. Polyculture of M rosembergii with Indian carps and nutritional manipulation to achieve higher production of giant prawn. International Asia Pacific Aquaculture Conference, College of Fisheries, Cochin, Kerala, January 17-20, 2011.
  4. Shivananda Murthy, H., 2011. Enhancement of immune response and disease resistance in Macrobrachium rosenbergii, International Asia Pacific Aquaculture Conference, College of Fisheries, Cochin, Kerala, January 17-20, 2011.
  5. Shivananda Murthy, H., Shankar, R and Jayaraj, E.G., 2011. Role of nucleotides in the diets of Macrobrachium rosenbergii .9th Indian Fisheries Forum, December 19-23, 2011, Chennai, India.
  6. Jagadessh, T.D., Jayaraj, E.G.,  Shivananda Murthy, H., and Chethan,. N., 2011. Evaluation of mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) on growth and survival in rohu, Labeo rohota. 9th Indian Fisheries Forum, December 19-23, 2011, Chennai, India.
  7. Naveen Kumar, B. T., Shivananda Murthy, H, Doddamani, P.L , Shankar, R. and Jayaraj, E. G., 2011. Chitinsupplementtaion in the diet enhances growth and survival of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, 9th Indian Fisheries Forum, December 19-23, 2011, Chennai, India.
  8. Jagadessh, T.D., Shivananda Murthy, H., Jayaraj, E.G., Chethan, N. 2011and Naveen Kumar, B.T , 2011.  Evaluation of spawning performance of striped murrel, Channa stiatus in simple plastic tanks induced with the synthetic hormone ovatide. 9th Indian Fisheries Forum, December 19-23, 2011, Chennai, India.
  9. Naveen Kumar, B. T., Shivananda Murthy, H., Doddamani, P.L., Shankar, R. and Jayaraj, E. G. 2011. The protective effect of chtin against white tail disease (Mrnv and XSV) in freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, 9th Indian Fisheries Forum, December 19-23, 2011, Chennai, India

Foreign tours
by Dr N Basavaraja, MFSc, MSc (UK), PhD

  1.  Visited several Aquaculture-related laboratories and institutes in Scotland and England as part of my M.Sc. Aquaculture Programme during September, 1990 - August, 1991. Attended Scottish Fish Farming Conference and Exhibition, 15-17 January, 1991, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.

  2. Visited  several Aquaculture and Fisheries Institutions in the Philippines during the month-long training on Application of Quantitative Genetics in Aquaculture during November 6- December 2, 1995, ICLARM, Manila, the Philippines.

  3.  Visited the Department of Zoology, National University of Singapore, Singapore on the 4th and 5th December, 1995.

  4.  Attended and presented a paper at The Fifth Asian Fisheries Forum, 11-14 November, 1998, at Chiang Mai, Thailand.

  5.  Attended and presented a country paper on `Freshwater Fish Seed Resources in India` at the FAO Expert Workshop on `Freshwater Seed as Global Resource for Aquaculture` held at Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences Freshwater Fisheries Research Centre (FFRC), Wuxi, China during 23-26 March, 2006.

  6.  Attended and presented a paper on `Broodtock management, induced breeding, incubation of eggs and rearing of fry of the Deccan mahseer, Tor khudree (Sykes)` at MAHSEER – 2006 (an international symposium on the mahseer), organized by Malaysian Fisheries Society at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 29th and 30thMarch, 2006.