+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Department of Fish Processing Technology

Services provided

  • Development of a portable insulated fish hold for onboard and onshore storage of fresh seafoods for fishermen and fresh fish vendors
  • Service provided for fish meal factories for evaluation of quality of fish meal
  • Evaluation of quality of fresh fish for the processors
  • Awareness programme on hygiene and sanitation at various fish landing centers and fish markets along Dakshina Kannada district.
  • Demonstration on importance of value added products from low value fishes
  • Demonstration on scientific method of drying, salted and dried fish
  • Demonstration on plant sanitation and hygiene for the seafood processors.
  • Preparation of fishery By –products.

Achievements/Technologies developed

  1. Gelatin from fresh water fish processing waste
  2. Fish mince – cereal based extruded products
  3. Technology for fish sausage from fresh water cat fish
  4. Fish protein hydrolysate as health food

Gelatin from fresh water fish processing waste
A technology has been developed for gelatin production from the skin , bones and air bladders of Indian Major Carps which are cultured in large quantity in India. Yield of gelatin from wet skin varied between 14-18%.

Dried gelatin 

Fish mince – cereal based extruded products
Cereal flours with fish mince was used for extrusion process. Twin screw extruder with co-rotating screws was used. The optimum processing conditions included barrel temperature of 90o – 120oC, screw speed of 350 rpm, die diameter of 4mm and a feeding rate of 7.2 Kg / hr.
The end product had a high nutritional value with reference to amino acid profile and calcium content (with ragi flour). The product could be kept under ambient temperature with appropriate package for 4-6 months.


Extension of shelf life of fish sausage using nisin as preservative
A process for extension of shelf life of fish sausage in synthetic casing has been developed. Nisin at 200 ppm was found to be optimum in extending the shelf life of sausage at refrigerated temperature by 60 days over that of control
