Department of Fish Processing Technology Publications
2018 |
Manjanaik, B., Kavya, N.,Shetty, V.,Somashekarappa, H. and Rajashekar, P. 2018. Influence of gamma irradiation and low temperature storage on the quality and shelf life of squid (Doryteuthis sibogae) . Food Research , 2(1) : 39-45 D . Pavan Kumar, M V. Chandra, K. Elavarasan & B. A. Shamasundar (2018) Structural properties of gelatin extracted from croaker fish (Johnius sp) skin waste. International Journal of Food Properties, 20: PP.S2612-S2625, Jag Pal, CV Raju, BN Shukla, Hari Om Verma, Gayatri Pandey, Ashish Kumar Maurya and Laxmi Prasad, (2018), In-vitro antioxidant activity of freeze dried extracts fruit peel waste (Punica granatum and Citrus sinensis) and its effect in α-linoleic acid model system, International Journal of Chemical Studies 2018; 6(2): 892-895. (NAAS Rating: 5.31) Gayatri Pandey, CV Raju, Jag Pal and Hanuman Prasad Pandey (2018), Changes in the proximate composition of pink perch during super chilling in solar operated refrigerated fish vending unit and its importance in human health, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(1): 941-945. (NAAS Rating: 5.31) Gayatri Pandey, CV Raju, Jag Pal and Hanuman Prasad Pandey (2018), Effect of super chilling on the proximate composition of Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) stored in solar operated refrigerated fish vending unit, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2018; 6(1): 303-306. (NAAS Rating: 5.53) Gayatri Pandey, CV Raju, Jagpal and Hanuman Prasad Pandey (2018), Effect of refrigerated storage on the biochemical parameters of stored Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in solar operated indigenously developed fish vending unit, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2018; 6(2): 556-561. (NAAS Rating: 5.53) |
2017 |
Manjanaik, B. and Veena Shetty, 2017. Effect of low dose gamma irradiation and refrigeration on the chemical and microbial quality of shrimp (Penaeus monodon). International Journal Processing and Post Harvst Technology, 8(2) : 131-138. Jeevitha B.M., Manjanaik, B.* and Prabhu, R. M., 2017. Studies on the quality assessment of Canned Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) using different filling media. Frontier J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 5 (2) : 216-221. Aleen, D.C., Manjanaik, B. and Prabhu, R. M. , 2017. Studies on the Microbial Quality of Salted and Sun Dried Anchovies (Stolephorus spp.) and White Sardines (Escualosa thoracata) of Dry Fish Market, Mangalore. Frontier J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 5 (2) : 210-215 Bellvadi U. Supreetha & Bangalore A. Shamasundar (2017). Setting Ability of Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus) Meat as Affected by Freezing and Frozen Storage with Special Reference toTransglutaminase Enzyme Activity and Rheological Properties, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10498850.2017.1316332. Devananda. U, C.V. Raju, I.P. Lakshmisha, R.R. Singh and Elavarasan (2017). Antioxidative effect of pineapple peel extracts in refrigerated storage of Indian mackerel. Fishery Technology. 54, 42-50. (NAAS – 5.25). Gayatri Pandey, CV Raju, Jag Pal, Shobha Rawat, Mahesh Chand Sonwal and Hanuman Prasad Pandey (2017) Comparative study of changes in the quality attributes of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus) stored in solar operated refrigerated fish vending unit ; Journal of Entomology & Zoology Studies, 5(6): 616-619. (NAAS Rating: 5.53) Gayatri Pandey, CV Raju, Jag Pal, Shobha Rawat, Mahesh Chand Sonwal and Hanuman Prasad Pandey (2017), Comparative study of changes in the quality attributes of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus) stored in solar operated refrigerated fish vending unit, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2017; 5(6): 616-619. (NAAS Rating: 5.53) Jag Pal. C.V. Raju, I.P. Lakshmisha, Gayathri Pandey, Rehana Raj, Rajkumar Ratan kumar Singh, (2017). Antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel extract and its Effect on storage stability of cooked meat model system of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) stored at 4±2 °C. Biochemical and CellularAchieves17(1). (NAAS – 4.46) |
2012 |
Ramachandra Naik, A.T., Shivananda Murthy, H. , Manjanaik, B., Ramesha, T. J. and Lakshmipathi, M.T. , 2012. Effect of dietary administration of sardine oil on growth, survival and enzymatic activity of Machrobrachium rosenbergi (De man). The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh (In Press). |
2011 |
Sham Sundar, B. A. 2011. Purification and characterization of transglutaminase from a few fish species: effect of added transglutaminase on the viscoelastic behavior of fish mince. Food Chemistry, 2011, Published on line (in press) – IF 8.1 Sham Sundar, B. A. 2011. Effect of ice storage on the functional and rheological proerties of proteins from freshwater fish species. Journal of Food Science and Technology, Published on line – IF 6.9 Sham Sundar, B. A. 2011. Physico-chemical, functional and rheological proeprties of proteins from bigeye (Pricanthus spp). Journal of Food Biochemistry (in press)- IF 7.4 |
2010 |
Dileep, A.O., Shamsundar, B.A., Binsi, P.K. and Howell, N.K., 2010. Composition and quality of rice flour- fish mince based extruded products with emphasis on thermal properties of rice flour, Journal of Texture Studies. 41; 190-207. |
2009 |
Binsi, P.K., Shamsundar, B.A., Dileep, A.O., Badii, F. and Howell, N.K., 2009. Rheological and funcyional properties of gelatin from the skin of Big eye snapper (Priacanthus hamrur) fish: influence of gelatin on the gel forming ability of fish mince, Food Hydrocolloids. 23: 132-145. |
Mathew, S., Shamsundar, B.A., Ramesh Kumar, P. and Prakash, V., 2009. Effect of Zine salts on the structure – function of actomyosin from pelagic fish, Process Biochemistry. 44; 704-709. Varadaraju , S., Nagaraj, M.K., Prabhu, R.M. and Jaya Naik , 2009. Suitability off coastal water for Brackish water shrimp farming along Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State, Envi. and Ecol., 27(3A): 1258-1261. Varadaraju, S. , Nagaraj, M. K. and Prabhu, R.M. , 2009. Studies on water quality parameters of few selected source, pond and discharge water during shrimp culture. Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 43(2) : 287-293. |
2007 |
Binsi, P. K., Shamasundar, B. A. and Dileep, A.O., 2007. Physicochemical and functional properties of proteins from green mussel (Perna viridis) during ice storage. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 87: 245-254. |
2006 |
Binsi, P. K., Shamasundar, B. A. and Dileep, A. O., 2006. Some physicochemical, functional and rheological properties of actomyosin from green mussel (Perna viridis). Food Research International, 39: 992-1001. |
Ganesh, A., Shamasundar, B. A., Dileep, A. O. and Upendra Singh, 2006. Gel forming ability of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) meat: Effect of freezing and frozen storage. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 30, 342-361: 2006. Umesha, K. R., Bob Kennedy Dass, M., Manjanaik, B., Venugopal, M. N., Indrani Karunasagar and Iddya Karunasagar, 2006. High prevalence of dual and triple viral infections in black tiger shrimp ponds in India. Aquaculture. 258: 91-96. Jaya Naik, Hanumanthappa, B., Prabhu, R. M and Shashikala Bai D. J., 2006. Studies on some of the commercially important fishes caught in HOBT rigged with different categories of bridle length. S. J. curr. Sci., 9(1): 261-266. Jaya Naik, Hanumanthappa, B. , Raju, C. V., Shashidhar Badami, H. and Prabhu, R. M. 2006. Studies on the effect of variation in sweep length of bottom trawls over fish catch along Mangalore coast . J. curr. Sci. 9(1) : 267-270. |
2005 |
Dileep, A. O. , Shamasundar, B. A., Binsi, P. K., Badii, F. and Howell, N. K., 2005. Effect of ice storage on the physcio-chemical and dynamic visco-elastic properties of ribbonfish (Trichiurus spp ) met, Journal of Food Science, 70 (9), 537-545: 2005. |
Morey, A. U. and Prabhu, R. M., 2005. Effect of water washing on the biochemical properties of deep sea fish (Priacanthus hamrur) meat “, Mysore J. agric. Sci., 39 (3): 404-409. Manjanaik, B., Umesha, K. R., Indrani Karunasagar, Iddya Karunasagar, 2005. Detection of Hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) in wild caught shrimps in India by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Diseases in Aquatic Organisms. 63: 255- 259. Naik, B. M., Venugopal , M. N., Karunasagar, I. and Karunasagar, I., 2005. Effect of sanitizer treatment on bacteriology of microcosm simulating shrimp pond ecosystem. Asian Fisheries Science. 18: 127-137. |
Popular Articles
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- Prabhu, R.M. and Bhandary, M.H., 2009. Use of additives for quality enhancement of low value Salted and dried fishes: In Workshop on Role of low value fish spices in strengthening food Security in India .Indian Fisheries- sustainability at crossroads held at College of Fisheries, Mangalore
- Mehta, Naresh, K., Prabhu, R.M., Elavarasan, K., Reddy and Manjunath, 2011. Fish oils and their Importance for mankind. Fishing chimes: 31{5}43-4