Department of Aquatic Animal Health Management
Major Research Interests
- Development of rapid DNA based methods for detection of pathogens and application of these methods for diagnosis of diseases and seafood quality control.
- Application of Biotechnological tools in health management in aquaculture
- Development of immunoprophylactic agents (vaccines and immunostimulants) and probiotics for use in aquaculture systems
- Environmental impact of aquaculture, bioremediation of aquatic systems
Salient Research Highlights
- Work on disease problems affecting aquaculture
- Shrimp Viruses
- Bacterial disease of shrimp
- Development of immunostimulant for shrimp
- Development of molecular diagnostic methods
- Development of Probiotics and Bioremediators for aquaculture
- Work on pathogenic Vibrio spp.
- Work on Rapid tests to detect seafood quality
- Work on fish and shellfish toxicities and phytoplankton bloom
- Work on fish pathogens including Aeromonas hydophila
- Work on Listeria monocytogenes