Aquatic Animal Health Management Extension Activities
Workshops / training programmes organized
- Training programme on “Hygienic fish drying and packaging, Aquarium fish breeding and fish feed making and Introductory aspects of quality control of water and ice used in fish processing for fisherwomen” from 28th - 30th Apr., 2005 and 1st – 3rd, Feb., 2005.
- National Bioinformatics symposium on “Applications of Bioinformatics” from 1st -2nd , Feb., 2006.
- International Workshop on “Molecular Techniques in Aquaculture and Seafood Safety” during 13th -17th Feb., 2006 with Dr. I. Karunasagar, Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Dr. M. N. Venugopal as resource persons for lectures and Research Associates and Senior Research scholars as resource persons for practicals.
- FAO Expert workshop on the “Application of biosecurity measures to control Salmonella contamination in sustainable aquaculture”, Mangalore during 10th -21st Jan., 2010.
- Workshop on “Bioinformatics”, sponsored by UNESCO at College of Fisheries, Mangalore from 28th Mar. to 1st Apr., 2011.
Papers presented in National / International Symposia / Workshops
- I. Karunasagar, S.K. Girisha, M. N. Venugopal and M. Biswajit. 2013. Bacteriophage application as a management strategy in shrimp hatcheries. LARVI’13- FISH & SHELLFISH LARVICULTURE SYMPOSIUM, Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center, Ghent University, Belgium. 2-5th September 2013.Book of abstracts and short communication: 204-205.
- Girisha S. K., Surendranath S.V., Akhila D.S., Praveen Rai and Karunasagar I. 2013. Vaccine efficacy of an envelope protein VP39 of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in Penaeus monodon. Abstract book (AV10): Indian Virological Society (IVS) VIRCON 2013; Asia-Pacific congress of Virology. 17-20th December, 2013. Amity University, Sec.-125, Noida (New Delhi) NCR), India.
- Saurabh Dubey , Sangeetha.M.S, Kiran Avadhni, Biswajit Maiti, Girisha S. K., Srinivas Mutalik, M.N.Venugopal, Indrani Karunasagar, 2014. Immune response in carps to nanoparticle based delivery of recombinant outer membrane protein of Aeromonas hydrophila’. Paper presented in the Ninth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture’ organised by the Fish Health Section of Asian Fisheries Society held at Rex Hotel, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. 24-28 November, 2014. Abstract No. ID 328, Pp 143.
- Debashis Banerjee, M.N. Venugopal, S.K Girisha and Indrani Karunasagar, 2014. Study of antibacterial activity of antimicrobial peptides isolated from penaeus monodon. Paper presented at the ‘10thIndian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum’ held at National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow. 12-15 November, 2014. Abstract No. AAH 23, Pp 347.
- Debashis Banerjee, M. N. Venugopal, Biswajit Maiti, S. K. Girisha and Indrani Karunasagar, 2014. Comparative evaluation of antibacterial potential of two antimicrobial peptides, crustinand phosphatse - like protein, isolated from black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Poster presented at the 55th National conference of Association of Microbiologists of India held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during 12-14 Nov, 2014. Abstract No. AC 30.
- 6. A. Devivaraprasad Reddy, Kogluru Shivakumar Santhosh, Gangavarapu Subrahmanyam, Shivani Kallappa Girisha and Indrani Karunasagar. Ammonia oxidation kinetics and efficacy of ammonia bacterial isolates on their nitrification potential. Book of Abstracts. Society of Biological Chemists (India) Coastal Karnataka Chapter. 4th Annual Symposium. Organized by NITTE University Centre for Science Education and Research, Deralakatte, Mangaluru-575018, Karnataka, India on 14thNovember 2015.
Conferences / Workshops / training programmes organized from 2005 - 2011
- Organised a training programme on hygienic fish drying and packaging, Aquarium fish breeding and fish feed pellet making and Introductory aspects of quality control of water and ice used in fish processing for 40 fisherwomen from 28th -30th April, 2005
- Organised a training programme on microbiological quality control for fish, water and ice for 37 fisherwomen (hands on) from 28th-30th September, 2005
- Organised a National Bioinformatics symposium on “Applications of Bioinformatics” from February 1-2, 2006. 2 Abstracts were presented during the symposium.
- Organised an International Workshop on “Molecular Techniques in Aquaculture and Seafood Safety” during February 13-17, 2006 with Dr. I. Karunasagar, Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Dr. M.N.Venugopal as resource persons for lectures and Research Associates and Senior Research scholars as resource persons for practicals.
- A dedicated demonstration facility has been installed at Bengre village, where 16 racks capable of drying 20 kg fish each have been installed. Dry fish storage cabinets have been installed. 35 women were trained in hygienic fish drying and packaging, 37 women in aquarium fish breeding and feed pellet making, 20 women in Laboratory analysis of dry fish, 20 women in laboratory analysis of water and ice, 26 women in handling computers
- DIRECTOR GENERAL OF INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Dr. Mangala Rai inaugurated the Instructional Fish Farm and Wet Lab NATP funded project facility of the College of Fisheries on October 21st, 2005. The newly established demonstration / instructional fish farm and wet lab consisting of recirculatory system, Marine aquarium, feed mill, fish bone separator helps in the ongoing research on fish and shrimp health management through projects supported by the Department of Biotechnology on DNA vaccine for fish , microsatellite markers for shrimp and prawn, probiotic assessment, microcosm studies on algal bloom dynamics and its relationship to marine microbes, training for fisherwomen on aquarium fish breeding of fishermen and feed preparation.
- Fisheries Field Day was conducted on 24th November, 2006. Common carps and Indian major carps were harvested. The fish produced were in the range of 2 – 5 kgs and were farmed organically. Probiotics and bioremediators developed through research projects in the Department were tested in the fish farms.
- Training programme on “Basics of Bioinformatics” was conducted during March 2007.
- FAO Expert Workshop on the ‘Application of Biosecurity measures to control Salmonella contamination in sustainable aquaculture’ was conducted in Mangalore during 10th - 21st January, 2010
- 2 candidates from Sri Lanka sponsored by FAO for training in Prawn and shrimp disease diagnosis underwent training in the Department of Microbiology, College of Fisheries, Mangalore.
- 1 candidate from National Physical Lab, Ahmedabad underwent training in the Department of Microbiology for identification of toxic algae by molecular tools.
- Candidates from Bharathiar University underwent training in Molecular techniques in Department of Microbiology.
- 11 candidates underwent National training workshop on bioinformatics and its application in Department of Microbiology.
- 25 candidates underwent training in Methods to monitor freshness of fish and shellfish from catchpoint to sales point at Sneha Kunja and Netfish organization in Honnavara.
- 25 candidates underwent training in Feed and feed management in shrimp aquaculture at Snehakunja and Netfish organization in Honnavara.
- FAO/SIDA/UNESCO MIRCEN International Workshop on “Safety of shellfish from harmful algae and biotoxins.
- A two day training workshop on “Carp based products – Technology and Marketing” was organized as part of the NAIP research project on 14th & 15th December, 2010 for training 30 fish retailers selected from 5 districts of Karnataka.
- 5 days training workshop on “Bioinformatics and its application to marine sciences” for PhD scholars of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Goa University was conducted from March 28 to April 1, 2011 . The training included lectures, demonstration and hands-on-session.
- Eighth International Conference on “Diseases in Asian Aquaculture” was conducted from November 21-25, 2011 at Milagres Centre, Hampankatta, Mangalore. India is hosting this event for the first time and the theme was “Fish for Food security”. It mainly dealt with the diseases of animal, human and environment health and ways to mitigate the problems. Over 200 delegates from 24 countries of the world and India participated in the conference. It is a reflection of the growing interest in Asian aquaculture through various collaborations between the east and the west, north and south.
- Indo-Norwegian workshop was conducted on 26th November, 2011 at the College of Fisheries, Mangalore. The meeting was between the Norwegian co-ordinators & all the Indian project participants. The participants from Norway were Dr. Roy Dalmo, Dr. Oystein, Dr. Helen Mikkelsen, Dr. Sonal Patel, Dr. Anita Muller, Dr. Marit Seppola, Dr. Nick Robinson, Dr. Barasky. The reviewers included Dr. Arun Ninawe, Dr. Sudhanshu Vrati. Dr. George John, Dr. Purushotham, Dr. Sathyamoorthy, Dr. Srinivasan, Dr. Santiago, Dr. Sanjay Ghadi, Dr. Dinakaran Michael, Dr. Saxena, Dr. Shahajuddin Ahmed. Indian participants included the Indian co-ordinator Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Dr. K.M. Shankar, Dr. Sahul Hameed, Dr. Bright Singh I.S., Dr. Aparna Dixit, Dr. Lalit Garg, Dr. Riji John, Dr. P.K. Sahoo, Dr. Gopikrishna, Dr. Kalaimani, Dr. Arasu & Dr. Narayanan.
- A National level training programme on Bioinformatics for Goa University Ph.D scholars was conducted from 28th – 30th March, 2011 at the College of Fisheries, Mangalore. 15 members participated in the workshop.
- A training programme was conducted for Mr. Arvind Singh of Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad in the month of January, 2011.
- A training programme for 2 B.Tech students Ms. Spoorthi & Ms. Akshatha from Davanagere was conducted in the month of March, 2011.
- A training programme for 2 M.F.Sc students Mr. V. Madish & Mr. Aditya K. from Bharathiyar University was conducted in the month of March, 2011.
- Mr. Basava Reddy Pujar conducted a class on “Cage culture of fishes” at MFRIC, Ankola on 20.01.2012.
- Mr. Basava Reddy Pujar conducted a class on “Culture practice adopted for L. vennamei and use of immunostimulants, probiotics etc” for Karnataka University Marine Biology PG students at Kumta .
Participation in National / International Conferences / Symposia / Workshops from 2005 - 2011
- Dr. Indrani Karunanasagar and Mr. Umesha, K.R., have attended 6th symposium on “Diseases in Asian Aquaculture” at Colombo during 24th to 28th October 2005 and presented a scientific paper. She also attended the expert consultation on “Responsible transfer of live aquatic animals and quarantine” at Dambulla, Sri Lanka from November 1 - 4, 2005 as an Expert Committee.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar delivered seminar on 28.06.2005 at Lehrstuhl fur Mikrobiologie, Biozentrum, University of Wurzburg, Germany on “Risk assessment and molecular characterization of some seafood associated pathogens”.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar delivered seminar on 14.06.2005 at Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden on “Risk assessment of foodborne vibrio pathogens.
- Dr. M.N.Venugopal participated in Intra University (within the University) Fisheries Sciences Workshop on 20th March, 2005 at Fisheries College, Mangalore.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Dr. I. Karunasagar and Dr. M.N.Venugopal participated and presented paper in the 46th Conference of Association of Microbiologists (AMI) of India at Osmania University, Hyderabad during 8th -10th December, 2005 and delivered a talk.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, went on research visit under DST-DAAD project of Govt. of India to the Department of Microbiology, University of Wurzburg, Germany during 1.05.2006 – 30.06.2006.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was invited to the International Conference ‘Larvi 2005’ to deliver a keynote address during 21st – 23rd October, 2005 on “Bacteriophage therapy”.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Dr. Karunasagar and Dr. M.N.Venugopal participated in the 7th Indian Fisheries Forum at Bangalore during 9-11th November, 2005.
- Dr. M.N.Venugopal was deputed to attend DBT, Govt. of India sponsored Refresher course on Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology, National Law School of India University, Bangalore during 14-19 November 2005.
- Dr. Sanath Kumar H., research associate, visited Dept. of Microbiology, University of Wurzburg, Germany during September – December, 2005.
- Mr. Umesha K.R., research associate, visited Department of Parasitology, Khon Kaen University, Thailand during July 1st to September, 31st, 2005. He also visited Dept. of Microbiology, University of Wurzburg, Germany during 1st March to 30th May, 2006.
- Dr. (Mrs). Indrani Karunasagar went to Germany under DST-DAAD, Govt. of India funded collaborative project for 2 months to carry out research as a visiting scientist during May- June, 2006.
- Dr. I. Karunasagar attended the 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biotechnology (InCOB 2006) organized by the Indian Institute of Technology at Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi during 18-20th December, 2006.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar hosted the Coordination meeting of the ACIAR-NACA funded project in the Department of Microbiology, College of Fisheries, Mangalore during 28-29th October, 2006. The meeting was attended by the partner scientists from Australia, Thailand , India and Indonesia.
- Dr. (Mrs.) Indrani Karunasagar attended the ACIAR-NACA Project Coordinators meeting held in Thailand during April 24-25, 2007.
- Dr. (Mrs.) Indrani Karunasagar participated as resource person in the ACIAR-NACA PCR training workshop at CIBA, Chennai, during 23 - 27, October, 2006.
- Dr. (Mrs.) Indrani Karunasagar and Dr. I.Karunasagar attended the International Conference in Immunology organized by Lady Doak’s College, Madurai on November 28, 2006.
- Dr. (Mrs.) Indrani Karunasagar attended the DBT ongoing research project review meeting to DBT, New Delhi, on November 9, 2006.
- Dr. M. N. Venugopal, has been awarded senior associateship by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, to proceed to the University of Bremen, Germany for 6 months from March 29th – September 29th 2007.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was invited to the International Expert workshop on Improving biosecurity through prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicine (antimicrobials) in aquatic food production’ in Bangkok, Thailand from 15-18, Dec,2009.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was an invited speaker and a Panel discussion group member at the 3rd International Conference on genetic and molecular diagnostics in modern medicine and biotechnology held in Yenepoya University, Mangalore from 27th Feb - 1st March, 2010
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was invited to deliver a keynote address and also chair a session on ‘Public health and related issues’ in the International conference on ‘Vibrios in the environment’ held in Biloxi, USA from 7th -12th November, 2010.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was invited as an Expert to the WHO Expert consulation workshop on Risk assessment of vibrio parahaemolyticus and V.vulnificus associated with seafood held in Rome, Italy during 12th -17th September, 2010.
- Dr. M.N Venugopal attended the NAIP sponsored National training on ‘ Intellectual property rights for animal scientists’ during 9-18 March, 2010.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar attended the workshop organised by NAIP regarding E-content management on development of E-course.
- Dr. Manjanaik attended the NAIP sponsored training programme on Molecular diagnostics and fingerprinting of Salmonella and Vibrios associated with seafoods and aquaculture environment’ at CIFT, Kochi during 14-27 February, 2011.
- Dr. Manjanaik attended sensitization cum training workshop on national information system on agricultural education network in India ( NISAGENET) on 28th January , 2011 at Veterinary College KVAFSU, Bidar.
- Mr. Basava Reddy Pujar attended the training programme on “Marine Ornamental Fish Culture” conducted by the Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during 19th -23rd October, 2010.
- Mr. Basava Reddy Pujar attended the training programme on “Open Sea Cage of Marine Finfish and Shellfish” at Karwar Research Centre of CMFRI, Karwar during 7th – 16th March, 2011.
- Mr. Basava Reddy Pujar attended the training programme on “Harvest function of Sea bass cage farming” Kumta Farm site, Kumta on 23rd June, 2010 conducted by MPEDA, SRC Karwar.
- To deliver a talk on the topic “Alternatives to antibiotics in Aquaculture” at the International Conference on “Shrimp Aquaculture - Challenges & Innovative Solutions-2012” on 25th January, 2012 at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was invited to deliver a talk and to interact with the participants at Manipal University on 31st January, 2012 on the Refresher course titled “Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques”, The topic chosen for the talk was – “Application of molecular techniques in fisheries”.
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was invited by the Goa University to deliver a talk on Biomolecules from the marine source held on 11th October, 2011. The topic of the talk was “Polyketides from crustacean larvae associated microbes”
- Dr. Indrani Karunasagar was invited to give a talk on “The importance of quality assurance of molecular research related to health and diseases” at K.S.Hegde Medical Academy on 9th February, 2012 on the theme titled “Needs of Valid Research for Appropriate Clinical care”.
Participation of Scientists in Conference / Workshops / Symposia:
- Dr. Malathi Shekar, Information Officer, Bioinformatics Center attended the 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biotechnology (In COB 2006) organized by the Indian Institute of Technology at Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi during 18th-20th December, 2006.
- Dr. Rekha Khushiramani, Research Scientist Center attended the 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biotechnology (InCOB 2006) organized by the Indian Institute of Technology at Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi during 18-20th December, 2006.
- Ms. Neema, Research Scholar has attended National workshop on “Marine Biodiversity, Data Management and Digitization of museum specimens” at Dona Paula, Goa during January 15-16th, 2007.
- Mr. Umesha K.R., went to Germany under DST-DAAD project to work on L. monocytogenes gene expression during 31st April – 29th May, 2006.
- Mr. Umesha K.R., carried out collaborative research work of EU funded Tremkit project at Department of Parasitology, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, during 27th June to 26th July 2006.
- Mr. Anuj Tyagi and Dr.Rekha Khushiramani attended the training programme in “Realtime PCR based genetic analyzer” at Lab India (Applied biosystem) laboratory at Gurgaon, India, during September, 18 - 20, 2006.
- Mr. Divu D., attended the workshop on Research techniques in Cyanobacteriology and Bioinformatics for Cyanobacteriologists in Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirapally, Tamilnadu, during February 20 to March 03, 2006.
- Mr. Pradeep B. attended the ACIAR-NACA Project Coordinators meeting held in Thailand during April 24-25, 2006.
- Mr. Pradeep B.participated as resource persons in the ACIAR-NACA PCR training workshop at CIBA, Chennai, during October 23 - 27, 2006.
Trainings / Workshops/Seminars Participated as Trainee Scientists
- Mr. Basava Reddy Pujar underwent a training in Etroplus breeding at the Regional Agriculture Research station, Kottayam, Kerala on 09/08/2011
- Mr. Basava Reddy Pujar underwent a training in Seabass pond cage culture at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture (RGCA) training centre on 12/11/2011.
Special guest lectures arranged
- Prof. Dr. Herr. Werner Goebel, Professor & Head, Lehrstuhl Fur Mikrobiologie, University of Wuerzburg delivered a lecture on
- Listeria monocytogenes - a model microorganism for studying intracellular replication” on February 3, 2006 in the Prof. H.P.C. Shetty Seminar Hall, College of Fisheries, Mangalore
- Virulence –attenuated listeria monocytogenes as carrier of protein DNA and RNA into mammalian cells” on February 6, 2006 in the Prof. H.P.C. Shetty Seminar Hall, College of Fisheries, Mangalore
- Prof. Dr. Herr. Dietmar Bloom, Department of Biotechnology, University of Bremen, Germany delivered the following lectures during Bioinformatics workshop
- Applications of DNA microarrays – February 20, 2005
- Gene analysis for biomedical diagnostics – February 22, 2005
- Dr. Satyamoorthy, Director, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal delivered a lecture on Biomedical applications of Bioinformatics during Bioinformatics workshop held on 23rd February, 2005.
- Prof. P. Reddanna, Professor of Zoology, University of Hyderabad, delivered a talk on “ARACHIDONIC ACID AND ITS ROLE IN INFLAMMATION” on 08.06.06.
- Prof. Peter Bossier, Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center, Faculty Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, BELGIUM. delivered a talk on “Quorum Sensing in the Aquaculture Food Chain” on 20.02.07.
- Prof. Goebel, Professor and Head, Lehrstuhl fur Mikrobiologie, Biozentrum, Universitat der Wuerzburg, Germany, delivered a talk on “Listeria as a Vaccine Candidate” on 23.04.06.
- Dr. Peter J. Walker, Senior Scientist, CSIRO, Australia, delivered a talk on “Gill Associated Viruses of shrimps” on 27 .10.06.
Visit of foreign collaborators
- Under a MoU with University of Goteborg, Sweden, Dr. Anna Godhe and her associates Dr. Johan Burman and Mr. Fidel Chiriboga were at the College of Fisheries, Mangalore from 1st December, 2011 until the end of February.
- Under a MoU with University of Kristianstadt & University of Lund, Prof. Ann Sofi Rehnstahm & Prof. Lars Edlers were at the College of Fisheries, Mangalore from 1st to 10th December, 2011.
- Under the Indo-Australian collaborative project Prof. Leigh Owens, Dr. Kathy Lafauce & Dr, Rusaini visited the college on 26th December, 2011. Prof. Leigh Owens delivered a seminar on “Interfering RNA for the control of viruses in crustacean” & Dr. Kathy Lafauce also delivered a seminar.
Foreign tours
Sl. No. |
Name |
Place & date |
Title |
Topic discussed |
1 |
Dr. M N Venugopal |
Ghent university, Ghent, Belgium. |
Larvi 2013’ |
Bacteriophage application as a management strategy in shrimp hatcheries |
2 |
Dr. M N Venugopal |
Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. 24-28 November, 2014. |
Ninth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture’ |
Immune response in carps to nanoparticle based delivery of recombinant outer membrane protein of Aeromonas hydrophila’. |
3 |
Dr. M N Venugopal |
7-9 March, 2014 conducted by the TMA Pai Chair on Enteric diseases, Manipal University, Manipal. |
Paper presented as a guest speaker in National hands on training workshop on bacterial enteric infections’ |
Food borne pathogens in hygiene and safety. |
Consultancy and Analytical Services
- Providing advisory services to farmers, undertaking farm visits to aquaculture farms, hatcheries, processing plants and industries all round the year as and when approached. Analysis of samples of water for potability, samples of fish, shrimp culture pond water for chemical and microbiological analysis , samples of shrimp larvae for viral & bacterial pathogens, ETP samples from several industries such as Infosys, MRPL, BASF, hospitals and hotels, and advise provided to general public, shrimp/fish farmers, hatcheries etc.
- To provide training in Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and in any other field where expertise & infrastructure is available in the laboratory
Types of analysis undertaken
- Water sample analysis for: Total plate count (Aerobic and Anaerobic count), Total & Fecal coliform count, E. coli, Staphylococci, Salmonella, Listeria, Vibrios Pseudomonas, pH, Turbidity, Hardness, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Fluoride, Free residual chlorine, Chromium, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Iron, Copper, Sodium, Silica, Sulphate, Nitrogen, Bioassay, Alkalinity, Potassium, Oil & Grease, Nitrate, Nitrite, Zinc, Nickel, Suspended solids, Dissolved Oxygen, Phenolic compound, Total dissolved solids , Total organic carbon, Cyanide, Total solids, Ammonium, Phosphate.
- Sewage effluent sample analysis for: BOD, Colour ,Odour, Suspended solids, Particle size of suspended solids, Dissolved solids, Turbidity, pH, Temperature, Oil & Grease, Total residual chlorine, Ammonical Nitrogen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Sodium, Chlorides, Dissolved phosphate, Sulphate, MPN Coliform, E. coli
- Milk sample analysis for: Somatic cell count, Aflatoxin, Lead, Arsenic,
- PCR detection for Shrimp samples: larvae, juvenile and adults for PCR for WSSV, IHHNV, MBV, HPV, YHV, LSNV, TSV, IMNV: PL stage for swollen hind gut (HGS), Fouling, Necrosis, Rostral spine, Body length, Hepatopancreas, Chromatophore, Muscle to gut ratio, stress test
- Curd sample analysis for: Total plate count, Total lactic acid bacterial count, Type of species
- Fish and molluscan shellfish sample analysis for: Histamine, Paralytic shellfish poison (PSP), Diarrheic shellfish poison (DSP), and Amnesic shellfish poison (ASP), Saxitoxin, Faecal coliform count, Intervalvular liquid, Flesh
Diagnostic services provided
Sl. No. |
Department |
Diagnostic Service |
Total No. |
1. |
Microbiology |
Water (for chemical, physical and microbiological parameters) |
298 |
2. |
Microbiology |
ETP Samples ( for all parameters) |
71 |
3. |
Microbiology |
Milk for Somatic cell count, microbiological and chemical analysis |
12 |
4. |
Microbiology |
Shrimp viruses by PCR and also for microscopic test |
60 |