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News and Events

Girls hostel premises cleaning program organized by the NSS Wing of CoF, M'luru on 28th September, 2018




Boys hostel premises cleaning program organized by NSS on 27th September, 2018



NSS DAY — 2018 and SWACHCH HI SEVA programme

The Directorate of National Service Scheme (NSS), Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. Government of India has decided to observe Swachch Hi Seva — 2018 campaign from 15th September to 2nd October, 2018 throughout the country. In this direction, the NSS Unit of College of Fisheries, Mangalulru has organized NSS DAY — 2018 and SWACHCH HI SEVA programmes on 26th September, 2018 at 3.00 PM at Prof. H.P.C. Shetty seminar hall. 

Dr. H.D. Narayanaswamy, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, KVAFSU, Bidar was the Chief Guest for the programme. Professor. H. Shivananda Murthy, Dean (Fisheries) presided over the function; NSS co-ordinator Dr. Ramachandra Naik, Registrar inchrage KVAFSU, Bidar Professor. H.R.V. Reddy was also present for the programme.

The inaugural was concluded and then followed by the Campus cleaning programme from 3.30 pm from the Staff and Students.