+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Awards & Recognition of Faculty

Aatidonji Dina Program

Dr Mridula Rajesh has been awarded with “Smt. M. Kamalamma Memorial Prize” on 27 Jan, 2023 in recognition of exemplary performance while pursuing MFSc degree in the years 1997-99 and continued outstanding contribution to academics and research. The award consists of a certificate, silver medal and a cash prize of Rs 10,000/-.


Talk on scope and opportunities in Agri and allied courses

Dr Shivakumar Magada, professor and head, Department of aquatic environment management addresses the students at Expert College and delivered a talk on scope and opportunities in Agri and allied courses. This is to promote interest among the youth on food production sector including that of fisheries. He is planning to deliver 50 such talks in selected colleges so that it brings best brains to the farm universities. Since medicine and engineering colleges promote their institutes, youngsters were familiar with only those streams. But farm universities do not take up such promotional programs. Before the final exams, if we orient the students, many will join farm universities willingly. Dr Magada also holding the charges of Associate Director of Extension and doing these kinds of programs since five years.

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Dr Mridula Rajesh has been awarded from Mogaveera Helpline for the achievements in education among the mogaveera community on 1-3-2020.

International Foundation for Environment and Ecology

Dr. Shivakumar Magada Environment has been awarded for Environment 2018 by International Foundation for Environment and Ecology

Dr. B. Manjanaik, Associate Professor, Department of Fish Processing Technology, College of Fisheries Mangalore had visited the Electron beam industries (Govt. of China Enterprise) for seafood irradiation at Bejing, China.

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Dr. B. Manjanaik, Associate Professor, Department of Fish Processing Technology, College of Fisheries Mangalore had participated and presented a research paper entitled " Gamma irradiation and low temperature storage as a means of ensuring extended shelf life and prevention of post harvest losses in seafood" in the international 2nd forum on industry development of isotope and radiation at Beijing, China. Organized by China isotope and radiation Association, China. During 3-6, September 2018.


Dr Abdul Kalam National Award to Dr Shivakumar Magada

Dr Shivakumar Magada, Professor of Aquatic Biology and Head of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dakshina Kannada is awarded with “Dr Abdul Kalam Lifetime Achievement Award” on 5.11.17 at ADA Rangamandira, Bangalore for his contribution towards teaching, research and publication.

Recipient of prestigious “National Chanakya Award 2015” awarded by Public Relation Council of India for his contribution towards profession, industry and society. In his 2.3 decades of experience in teaching, research and extension education, handled 27 projects, Written 16 books, 25 chapters and more than hundred popular articles. He is also a playwright, artiste, singer and personality development guru. Conducted 43 training programs for officers, farmers covering 3364 beneficiaries and delivered 243 guest talks reaching 25953 people. Scientific books written by him are: Aquaculture- an alternative livelihood, Sustainable aquaculture, Freshwater prawn farming, Comprehensive disease management in shrimp farming, integrated fish farming etc.

His major research work was on “Reclamation of saline and alkaline soils through aquaculture” funded National Agriculture Development Program, where he worked in 258 villages of selected districts in Karnataka for five years and developed technology for fish culture in saline and alkaline soils. Other noteworthy concepts developed by him are “Utilization of pressmud as a manure in aquaculture ponds”, “Stunted fingerlings production for utilizing seasonal waterbodies” and “Productivity Index Chart for Lentic Waterbodies”. Before joining to the University in 1995, he was “Aquaculture Consultant” during 1993-95 dealing shrimp seed production and farming. After taking over as head of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dakshina Kannada the outreach activities are increased significantly. Summer camp on agriculture for kids, involving college students for paddy planting and harvesting and use of drone for dispersal of wild tree seeds are some of his innovative ideas. Looking at the acid soil and waterlogging problems in the coastal districts of Karnataka, he came out with novel idea of establishing “Centre for Applied Research on Problematic Soils (CARPS)” at fisheries college campus, Mangalore.


Descent Work and Economic Development

Dr Shivakumar Magada, Professor of Aquatic Biology, College of Fisheries was the chief guest at a workshop on “Descent Work and Economic Development” organized by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Collaboration with MSNM Besant Post Graduate Studies Institute, Mangalore on 10.10.17.

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Participated and presented a research paper in the international conference on advances of radiation technology in industries at Marriot Group of Hotel. Mumbai. The conference was organized jointly by International atomic energy agency, Viena, Austria and National Association for application of radioisotope and radiation technology, Mumbai , India. The funding support for this conference under SAU- ICAR grant from College of Fisheries, Mangalore is gratefully acknowledged.


Dr. ManjaNaik, Associate Professor FPT, participated as Indian Delegate and presented a research paper in the International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition (ICFSN-2017) held AtKotaKinabalu, Malaysia during October 24th – 26th October, 2017.


Dr. ManjaNaik, Associate Professor FPT, visited the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore as indian delegate and interacted with the distinguished Professors (Prof. Manjunath Kini, Prof. Swaminathan, Prof. Charles Brennan) and Scientists (Dr. Jobichen Chacko)for possible international colloborations during 27th to 31st October, 2017.

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Dr. ManjaNaik, Associate Professor FPT, participated as Academician in the National training programme on Good Aquaculture Practices and Food Safety Preventative Controls for aquaculture farms during 17-18, November 2017 jointly organized by United States food and drug administration (USFDA) and MPEDA, INDIA.


Dr Shivakumar Magada, Professor of Aquatic Biology was one of the chief guests at Dakshina Kannada District Badminton tournament and distributed prizes to the winners on 05.02.2017 at US Malya Indoor Stadium, Mangaluru

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Dr Shivakumar Magada conferred with “Environmentalist of the Year 2017”

Dr Shivakumar Magada, Professor of Aquatic Biology and Head of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dakshina Kannada is conferred with “Environmentalist of the Year 2017” at 4th International Conference on Environment and Ecology on 12.02.18 at Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam.

It was constituted by International Foundation for Environment and Ecology and Confederation of Indian Universities, New Delhi. He has done extensive work on “Reclamation of Problematic Soils” and developed a package of practice, organized winter school, model training course on the same issue. Looking at the acid soil and waterlogging problems in the coastal districts of Karnataka, he came out with a novel idea of establishing “Centre for Applied Research on Problematic Soils (CARPS)” at fisheries college campus, Mangalore.

Organized number of awareness programs on management of coconut pests, global warming, reduction of by-catch, light fishing etc. Use of drone for dispersal of wild tree seeds and management of agriculture farms are some of his innovative ideas.


State level drama competition

Students of College of Fisheries, Mangaluru participated at State level drama competition organized by Department of Kannada and Culture and Rangayana, Mysuru during 5-6, Jan 2017 at Don Bosco Hall, Mangalur. Fishcos enacted the play "Geejagana Hakki" written by Dr Shivakumar Magada and Directed by Jagan Pawar, Sanketa, Mangaluru.

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11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture in Bangkok

Dr Shivakuma Magada, Professor of Aquatic Biology, Dr Mriduala Rajesh, Asst. Professor and Dr Shamasundar, Retired Professor of CoF attended the 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture going on at Bangkok during 3-6, Aug 2016


Prestigious National Chanakya Award to Dr Shiavakumar Magada , Professor of Aquatic Biology

Dr Shiavakumar Magada have been awarded the prestigious “National Chanakya Award for Academic Excellence” for the year 2015 for his contribution towards profession, industry and society. This award was given by the Public Relation Council of India on 13.3.2015 at Habitat Centre, New Delhi.


Dr Shiavakumar Magada receiving the award from Sri Jual Oram, Hon'ble Minister for Tribal Affairs, Government of India on 13.03.2015 at New Delhi

Keynote speaker

Prof (Dr) H Shivananda Murthy, Professor & Head, Dept of Aquaculture, participated in the ‘International Conference on Fisheries & Aquaculture’ held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, as Keynote speaker during 25-27 August, 2015.

Apart from his keynote address, Prof Murthy Chaired Technical Sessions, served as Member of the International Scientific Committee and also Member of the Editorial team

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Dr. Manja Naik Participated as Indian delegate in International training workshop on value addition to agricultural products for increasing productivity during 7-13th September 2015 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organised by ministry of agriculture, Sri Lanka.

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Dr. Manja Naik Participated as International Trainee scientist in UNU-ISP sponsored collaborative research in a project on capacity building for sustainable agriculture in developing countries entitled “Conservation of Forest Resources through promotion of low cost fish smoking preservation with agricultural waste and improved packaging techniques” at Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Food Research Institute, Accra, Ghana during 1-27th December 2013..


Awards/ Recognition received from recognized scientific societies