Department of Aquatic Environment and Management
Workshop / Training Programs Conducted
- National level refresher course on “Coastal and Marine Environmental Management “ sponsored by ICAR New Delhi, 5th to 14th Feb., 2006.
- One day National workshop on “Aquatic pollution and its Abatement“sponsored by Karnataka State Pollution Control board, Bangalore, 30th Jun. 2008.
- Public consultation on “Coastal Management Zone Notification 2008” sponsored by Centre for Environmental Education , Bangalore, 16th Aug., 2008.
- Public consultation on “Coastal regulation Zone Notification 1991”, sponsored by Centre for Environmental Education , Bangalore, 13th Feb., 2010.
- National Level Short Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, sponsored by SICOM, MOEF, New Delhi on May 29-June 03, 2013 at College of Fisheries Dr. Mridula Rajesh
- National Level Refresher Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management at College of Fisheries, Mangalore. Sponsored by SICOM, MOEF, New Delhi, on October 28 - 31, 2013 at College of Fisheries by Dr. Mridula Rajesh
Leaflets & Faculty Presentation