+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Department of Aquatic Environment and Management


  1. Soil and Water quality analysis
  2. Eco toxicology studies
  3. Environment Impact Assessment
  4. Coastal water monitoring
  5. Survey
  6. Diagnostic visits


  1. Established the baseline data in coastal, estuarine and fresh waters of Dakshina Kannada District.
  2. Established the ‘Clean Laboratory’ in the Department for analytical works under DANIDA programme.
  3. Reorganizing of Laboratory of Department of Aquatic Environment Management by KPSCB for examination of water and soil characteristics in the coast of Karnataka.
  4. Impact of bottom trawling on benthic communities along Mangalore coastal waters.
  5. Developed a Coastal Zone Management map for Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.
  6. Identified the areas of upwelling, rip current, green tide and coastal erosion along the coast of Karnataka.
  7. Species diversity, occurrence and distribution of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos in the coastal waters of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.
  8. Identified biofoulers communities in the coastal waters off Mangalore.
  9. Influence of temperature, sediments and currents on the availability of fish catches.
  10. Identified the areas of fish seed resources in river, estuaries of Karnataka.
  11. Bioaccumulation and bio concentration in fish and shell fish.