Department of Aquatic Environment and Management
- Soil and Water quality analysis
- Eco toxicology studies
- Environment Impact Assessment
- Coastal water monitoring
- Survey
- Diagnostic visits
- Established the baseline data in coastal, estuarine and fresh waters of Dakshina Kannada District.
- Established the ‘Clean Laboratory’ in the Department for analytical works under DANIDA programme.
- Reorganizing of Laboratory of Department of Aquatic Environment Management by KPSCB for examination of water and soil characteristics in the coast of Karnataka.
- Impact of bottom trawling on benthic communities along Mangalore coastal waters.
- Developed a Coastal Zone Management map for Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.
- Identified the areas of upwelling, rip current, green tide and coastal erosion along the coast of Karnataka.
- Species diversity, occurrence and distribution of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos in the coastal waters of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.
- Identified biofoulers communities in the coastal waters off Mangalore.
- Influence of temperature, sediments and currents on the availability of fish catches.
- Identified the areas of fish seed resources in river, estuaries of Karnataka.
- Bioaccumulation and bio concentration in fish and shell fish.