Aquatic Environment and management Extension activities
Workshop / Training Programs Conducted
- National level refresher course on “Coastal and Marine Environmental Management “ sponsored by ICAR New Delhi, 5th to 14th Feb., 2006.
- One day National workshop on “Aquatic pollution and its Abatement“sponsored by Karnataka State Pollution Control board, Bangalore, 30th Jun. 2008.
- Public consultation on “Coastal Management Zone Notification 2008” sponsored by Centre for Environmental Education , Bangalore, 16th Aug., 2008.
- Public consultation on “Coastal regulation Zone Notification 1991”, sponsored by Centre for Environmental Education , Bangalore, 13th Feb., 2010.
- National Level Short Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, sponsored by SICOM, MOEF, New Delhi on May 29-June 03, 2013 at College of Fisheries Dr. Mridula Rajesh
- National Level Refresher Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management at College of Fisheries, Mangalore. Sponsored by SICOM, MOEF, New Delhi, on October 28 - 31, 2013 at College of Fisheries by Dr. Mridula Rajesh
Field visits of Dean and DE

- Ecological monitoring of coastal waters due to industrial effluents fron MCF, BASF, UPCL and MRPL.
- Analysis of treated effluents from M/s Sequent Laboratory
- Assessment of water quality in relation to fish diversity along Thungabhadra River.
- Environmental Impact Assessment on establishment shrimp farms of industries along coastal districts of Karnataka.
- Coastal erosion and problems in Kotekar and Ullal region.
- Fishery resources of coastal waters along Dakshina Kannada coast.
- Hydrobiological characteristics of thungabhadra River, Harihara, Davangere, Karnataka.
Radio talks/TV programmes delivered
Sl. |
Title |
Recording Date |
Broadcasting Date and Place |
Delivered by |
1. |
Alternative income generating activities to the Fishermen during monsoon season. |
07-08-2009 |
12-09-2009 |
Dr. Mridula Rajesh |
2. |
Integrated Fish Farming |
30-08-2011 |
7-9-2011 |
3. |
Inland Fish Culture |
4-6-2012 |
28-6-2012 |
4. |
Fish Seed Production |
15-5-2013 |
23-5-2013 |
Trainings / Workshops / Seminars Participated as Resource persons
Sl. No. |
Name |
Place & date |
Title |
Topic discussed |
1 |
Dr. Gangadhara Gowda |
12.8.2011 |
Pollution – its impact on aquaculture |
2 |
Dr. Gangadhara Gowda |
12.8.2011 |
Soil and water quality in aquaculture |
3 |
Dr. Gangadhara Gowda |
CoF, Mangalore,December 8-10, 2011 |
Management of Fisheries Resources: A Dialogue |
Sponsored by NFDB, Hyderabad |
4 |
Dr. Gangadhara Gowda |
24.1.2012 |
Water quality Management in ornamental fish culture |
5 |
Dr. Gangadhara Gowda |
21.02.2012 |
Soil and water quality in aquaculture |
6 |
Dr. Gangadhara Gowda |
15.2.2012 |
Water quality and Health Management in fish culture |
7 |
Dr. Shivakumar M |
Chenganassery, Kerala; 24.02.12 |
Strategies for Marine Resource Conservation |
Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi |
8 |
Dr. Ramachandra Naik |
Chenganassery, Kerala; 24.02.12 |
Fisheries Co-Management |
Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi |
Trainings / Workshops/Seminars Participated as trainee Scientists
S.No. |
Name of the Teacher |
Place and Date |
Title |
Organizer |
1 |
Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Rajesh |
Chennai |
International conference on “Mangroves for Coastal Area Management” |
M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai |
2 |
Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Rajesh |
Hyderabad |
“National Stakeholders’ Consultation on Climate Change Platform” |
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad |
3 |
Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Rajesh |
Hyderabad |
“Developing Winning Research Proposals in Agricultural Research” |
National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad |
4 |
Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Rajesh |
Mangalore |
International Conference on “Bioremediation and Environmental Management and Polar Science and Technology” |
Presidency College, |
5 |
Dr. Gangadhara Gowda, |
Mangalore University |
State level 4th Science Convention |
Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Mangalore University |
6 |
Dr. Mridula Rajesh |
Mangalore |
Global Symposium on Aquatic Resources for Eradicating Hunger and Malnutrition- Opportunities and Challenges” |
Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch |
7 |
Dr. Mridula Rajesh |
Mangalore |
National Seminar on “Coastal Environments and their Management” |
Mangalore University |
8 |
Dr. Mridula Rajesh |
Mangalore |
Winter school on “Reclamation of Saline and Alkaline Soils through Aquaculture” from 6-26 November, 2013 |
College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
9 |
Dr. Mridula Rajesh |
Mangalore |
Workshop on “Capture Based Aquaculture Practices” from 2-4th December 2013 |
Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI, Mangalore |
10 |
Dr. Mridula Rajesh |
Mangalore |
Workshop on “Impact of Aggregation Devices on Cuttlefish Fishery” from 5-7 December 2013 |
Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI, Mangalore |
11 |
Dr. Mridula Rajesh |
Mangalore |
PFGF Workshop on “Strategies for bridging yield gap for fisheries and aquaculture” |
College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
Diagnostic services provided
Sl. No. |
Department |
Diagnostic Service |
Total No. |
1. |
Aquatic Environment Management |
Bioassay studies of the treated effluents |
50 Fishes per test |
2. |
Aquatic Environment Management |
Analysis the water quality parameters of the water samples |
- |
3. |
Aquatic Environment Management |
Examine the mass mortality of fishes in backwater of Udyavara river. |
- |
4. |
Department of Fisheries, BBMP, Confident Group, Chromous Biotech Pvt, Ltd, JSYS, Farmers |
Soil, Water and fish health investigation services, Feed analysis and Plankton analysis |
187 |
Extension publications (Books, training manuals, popular articles, leaflets etc)
Papers presented in National / International Symposia / Workshops
- Mridula Rajesh, Rajesh, K. M. and Kamalesh Panda, 2011. Reproductive biology ofValamugil buchanani from estuaries of Dakshina Kannada, The Ninth Indian Fisheries Forum, November pp 55.
- Muttappa Khavi, Reddy, H. R. V., Mridula Rajesh and Padmanabha, A, 2011. Physiological disturbances in common carp, Cyprinus carpio as an indicator of pollution stress, The Ninth Indian Fisheries Forum, November pp 261.
- Ramachandra Naik, A. T., 2011. Conservation of ecologically sensitive coral reefs of India, Fishing Chimes, 31 (4), July 2011.
- Lakshmipathi, M.T., Manjappa, N., Shivaprakash, S.M., Sathyanarayanappa, S.N. and Pujar, B.R., 2011. Better Management Practices in Shrimp farming on farm demonstration at MFRIC, Ankola, Uttara kannada, Karnataka, Fishing Chimes, Vol. 31, No.9 December 2011.