The Institute extends diagnostic facilities to the farmers and the State veterinarians through its Central Laboratory at Bengaluru and thirteen Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratories and Information centers (ADDL&IC) located at Bidar, Belgaum, Bellary, Davangere, Gulburga, Mangalore, Mysore, Shimoga, Sirsi, Sira, Bagalkot, Kolar besides an unique laboratory established exclusively for diagnosis of Wild Animal Diseases at Bannerghatta National Park (BNP), near Bengaluru. These services not only help in animal disease surveillance and monitoring in the state but also provide professional expertise to the field veterinarians in the management and control of diseases of livestock and poultry
The Institute is also engaged in research pertaining to animal health. The thrust areas in research are development of newer vaccines, innovations in production technology, development of molecular disease diagnostic techniques and development of field diagnostic kits. Emphasis is also laid on studying factors influencing disease processes and mechanics. Several research programmes sponsored by GOI, ICAR and state Govt. have been taken up at the Institute.
The Institute with its team of well-qualified scientific staff and good laboratory facilities is in a position to develop, co-ordinate and implement strategies needed for the effective prevention and control of livestock and poultry diseases in the state, thus ensuring total health coverage.
The institute provides training to veterinarians on advanced techniques in disease diagnosis and disease control measures. Scientists of the institute are engaged in extensive farmers oriented extension works during animal disease outbreak scenario in villages.

The aims and objectives of the Department Of Disease Investigation are as follows
- To provide prompt and effective diagnostic services for identification of disease problems with an aim to eradicate them.
- To introduce newer techniques in the development of cost effective and efficient diagnostic aids.
- To undertake in-depth study on animal disease epidemiological data with emphasis on rural economy and cost benefits.
- Training of scientific & technical personnel in the recent advances made in the technology of biological production and disease diagnosis and also to impart knowledge to the farmers in raising healthy animals & poultry.
- To provide expertise and consultancy to livestock industries and managemental agencies in animal health care.
- Teaching final year Veterinary Internship students and PG students.
Common diagnostic Facilities available at all ADDL&IC
- Clinical pathology (Total Haemogram, liver function tests, kidney function tests, Histopathology, Urinalysis)
- Clinical microbiology including antibiotic sensitivity tests (antibiogram)
- Clinical serum biochemistry and toxicology (to detect common poisoning in animals).
- PCR based molecular diagnostic tests for animal disease diagnosis
- Clinical parasitology (Smear examinations and fecal sample testing)
- Vaccine storage facility (cold storage facility)