Department of Fisheries Resources and Management
2024 |
National journals |
Shrinivas H. Hulkoti., S. R. Somashekara., K. U. Sheethal, H. N. Anjanayappa., L. Ganesh Prasad and P. Nayana, 2024. A study on trawl bycatch and its utilization along Udupi Coast of Karnataka. J. Exp. Zool. India., 27 (1): 745-750. |
2023 |
International journals |
Nitin Kanji Suyani, Mridula Rajesh, Chitradurga Obaiah Mohan, Kothanahally Mallegowda Rajesh, Remya Sasikala and Pankaj Kishore, 2023. Fatty acid profile and mineral composition of red-toothed triggerfish (Odonus niger) landed in Karnataka, southeastern Arabian Sea. Biological Trace Element Research. |
Ahamed Rasheeq, A., Mridula Rajesh, T.T. Ajith Kumar, K.M. Rajesh, A. Kathirvelpandian, Sanjay Kumar, Prathiksha Kamana Singh, 2023. Stock structure analysis of the white-spotted spine foot fish (Siganus canaliculatus) along the Indian coast using Truss morphometry. Regional Studies in Marine Science, |
National journals |
Bhavanjali, M. R., H. N. Anjanayappa, N. Manjunath, Satyaveer, Sanjeev Kumar, Deependar Singh and K. S. Dharshan, 2023. Morphometric And Meristic Analysis Of Ornamental Cyprinids Of Karnataka With Special Reference To Indigenous Varieties. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 26 (2): NAAS 5.25. |
Ahamed Rasheeq, A., Sanjay Kumar, Mridula Rajesh and K. M. Rajesh, 2023. First report of two species of Leucosiid crabs of the genus Arcania (Crustacea: Brachyura: Leucosidae) from the Karnataka coast, India. Journal of the Maine Biological Association of India, 65(2): 100-104. |
2022 |
International journals |
Nitin Kanji Suyani, Mridula Rajesh, Chitradurga Obaiah Mohan, Kothanahally Mallegowda Rajesh and Siddappaji Siddaiah, 2022. Biochemical composition, protein quality and amino acid profile of red-toothed triggerfish (Odonus niger), an underutilised fish. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1249: 1-9. Doi:10.1111/ijfs.16160; IF 3.612; NAAS 9.71. Meshram M. M, Mridula Rajesh, N. K. Suyani and K. M. Rajesh, 2022. Diet composition, feeding dynamics and proximate composition of obtuse barracuda Sphyraena obtusata (Cuvier, 1829) in the southeastern Arabian Sea. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 48 (2): 163-168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejar.2021.09.008; Scimago Journal Rating (SJR) 0.77. |
National journals |
Nayana P., Anjanayappa H.N., Somashekara S.R., Rajesh D.P. and Pramodraj P.2022. Food and feeding habits of Scoliodon laticaudus along Mangalore and Malpe coast of Karnataka. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 25(1): 1017-1021. NAAS 5.25. |
Bhavanjali, M. R. H. N. Anjanayappa, N. Manjunath, Satyaveer, M. S. Nithin and P. Nayana, 2022. Study Of Morphological Variation Between Wild And Farmbred Mascara Barbs (Jerdon, 1849) Based On Truss Network Analysis. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 26 (1): 319-325. NAAS 5.25. |
Kalavathi, N. R. H. N. Anjanayappa , V. Mahesh , P. K. Asokan , A. S. Kumar Naik and P. Nayana, 2022. Socio-Economic Profile of Tourists Visiting Chandragiri Estuary, Kerala. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 26 (1): 649-652. NAAS 5.25. |
Rathod Kumara, A. S. Kumar Naik, P. L. Doddamani, D. C. Yateesh, Manjulesh Pai, M. S. Prasad, Pooja Chithira, K. Sai Susmitha, Bhargavi and P. Abinaya, 2022. Digestive and antioxidant enzyme response in Peneaus vannamei and Mugil cephalus cultured in Bruguiera gymnorhiza based integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) system. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 26 (1): NAAS 5.25. |
Shrinivas H. Hulkoti., S. R. Somashekara., H. N. Anjanayappa., K. U. Sheethal and M. T. Lakshmipathi., 2022. Assessment of Trawl Bycatch Composition Off Udupi Coast., J. Exp. Zool. India., 25 (1): 451-458. |
2021 |
International journals |
Suyani Nitin Kanji, Mridula Rajesh and K. M. Rajesh. 2021. First report on the diet and reproductive biology of red-toothed triggerfish Odonus niger (Ruppell, 1836) from the south-eastern Arabian Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 101 (5): 827-837. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315421000771; IF 1.35; NAAS 7.56. Rajesh, K. M., Prathibha Rohit, Divya Viswambharan, Abdussamad, E. M. and Mridula Rajesh. 2021. Feeding behaviour of the sawtoothed barracuda, Sphraena putnamae (Jordan and Seale, 1905) along the southeastern Arabian Sea, India. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 47: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101974; IF 0.62; NAAS 8.17. Rajesh, K. M., Mridula Rajesh and P. Rohit. 2021. Length weight relationships (LWRs) of ten small pelagic marine fishes along the coastal waters of Karnataka, South eastern Arabian Sea. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 25 (3): 1045-1057. IF 1.08. Suyani, N.K., R. Mridula, K.M. Rajesh, M.M. Meshram and K. Vandana, 2021. Morphometry, length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of red-toothed trigger fish, Odonus niger (Ruppell, 1836) from tropical Arabian Sea. Journal of Environmental Biology, 42 (4): 1026-1032. DOI: http://doi.org/10.22438/jeb/42/4/MRN-1659; IF 0.71; NAAS 5.57.
National journals |
Assana, K., Mridula Rajesh and K. M. Rajesh, 2021. Reproductive traits in dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus, Linnaeus, 1758, along the coastal waters of Karnataka, south-eastern Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 68 (1): 19-26. IF 0.64; NAAS 6.59. Monty Meshram Madan, Mridula Rajesh, K. M. Rajesh and Suyani Nitin Kanji, 2021. Morphological measurements, length weight relationship and relative condition factor (Kn) of obtuse barracuda Sphyraena obtusata (Cuvier, 1829) from south-eastern Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 50 (6): 480-488. IF 0.62; NAAS 6.55. Monty Meshram Madan, Mridula Rajesh, K. M. Rajesh and Suyani Nitin Kanji. 2021. Sexual Maturity, Spawning Periodicity and Fecundity of Obtuse Barracuda Sphyraena obtusata (Cuvier, 1829) along Karnataka Coast, Southeastern Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 55 (12): 1409-1415. DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4505; IF 0.427; NAAS 6.44. Nayana, P, Anjanayappa, H. N, Rajesh, D.P And Pramodraj, P. 2021. Length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Scoliodon laticaudus along Karnataka coast, India.Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 24 (2): 1067-1070. NAAS 5.25. |
2020 |
International journals |
Assana, K., Mridula Rajesh, K. M. Rajesh and T. A. Shaik, 2020. Length-weight relationship, feeding traits and nutritional value of mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) in the south-eastern Arabian Sea. Journal of Environmental Biology, 41 (4): 776-781. DOI: http://doi.org/10.22438/jeb/41/4/MRN-1278; IF 0.71; NAAS 5.57. |
National journals |
Rajesh, D. P., H. N. Anjanayappa, P. Nayana and S. Benakappa., 2020. Length – weight relationship and relative condition factor of Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) from Mangalore coast, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 23 (1): 289-293. NAAS 5.25. Suma, H. N. Anjanayappa, D. P. Rajesh., D.P., Kalvathi. N.R., Sneha Darshan. C. and Sahana. K. 2020. Determination of Proximate composition of crab, Charybdis. lucifera of Mangalore coast, Karnataka, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 23 (1). 469-470. NAAS 5.25. Deepa Suman., H. N. Anjanayappa., D. P. Rajesh, and Kalvathi. N.R. 2020. Length – weight relationship and relative condition factor of Saurida tumbil from Mangalore coast, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 23 (1): 675 – 678. NAAS 5.25. |
2019 |
National journals |
Suma, H. N. Anjanayappa, D. P. Rajesh and S. Benakappa., 2019. Length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of the crab, Charybdis lucifera (Fabricius, 1798) off Mangaluru coast Karnataka, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 22 (2). 719-721. NAAS 5.25. Mahesh Chand Sonwal, S.R.Somashkara, H. N. Anjanayappa, Kumar Naik A S, Jitendra Kumar, Sahana K, Deepa Shree B.J and Adarsh K., 2019. Marine Crustaceans biodiversity in the trawling grounds off Mangalore coast, south-west coast of India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 22 (2):1039-1044. NAAS 5.25. |
2018 |
International journals |
Chandrashekar Kademane, Mridula Rajesh, K. M. Rajesh and K. Vandana, 2018. Studies on heterotrophic bacteria and total coliforms in relation with environmental parameters of water in Gurupur estuary, off Mangaluru, Karnataka, India. Pollution Research, 37 (4): 989-995. IF 0.516; NAAS 5.10, |
National journals |
Devanand, T .N., B.T. Naveenkumar, Chitra Soman, H.N. Anjanayappa, Mansing Naik, R.P. Sathish and Ajaykumar Kagagomb., 2018. DNA Barcoding of Coilia dussumieri and Sardinella gibbosa using Cytochrome c oxidase sub unit I (COI) : A mitochondrial gene. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 21(2): 1207- 1211. NAAS 5.25. Devanand, T. N., H.N. Anjanayappa, Mansing Naik, S.R. Somashekara, M.T. Lakshmipathi and Kamalesh Panda., 2018. Food and feeding habits of Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricus, 1798) from Mangaluru coast, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 21(2): 995-999. NAAS 5.25. Mahesh, V., P. S. Swathi Lekshmi , S. M. Shivaprakash, A. S. Kumar Naik, Muttappa Khavi and T. D. Jagadeesh, 2016. Study on awareness and participation of fisherwomen in beneficiary programmes of state fisheries department in coastal Karnataka, India: Journal of Experimental Zoology India. 19 (1), 1437-1441. NAAS 5.25. Rawat, S., S. Benakappa, S., Pazhayamadom, D.G., Jitendra Kumar, Soman, S., and Venugopal R. (2018) Stock structure analysis of Splendid ponyfish, Eubleekeria splendens (Cuvier, 1829) along the Indian coast using truss network system. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, 48 (04):434-443. IF 0.62; NAAS 6.50. Jitendra Kumar, S. Benakappa, Kumar Naik A.S. and Shobha Rawat, 2018. Seasonal variation in trawling grounds off Mangaluru coast, Southwest coast of India, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, 49 (03):364-372. IF 0.62; NAAS 6.50. |
2017 |
National journals |
Mridula Rajesh, J. K. Manissery and K. M. Rajesh, 2017. Effect of paddy straw and sugarcane bagasse on growth and survival of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man, 1879). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 64(4): 58-64. DOI: 10.21077/ijf.2017.64.4.61938-08; IF 0.64; NAAS 6.50. Rajendra Naik, N., S. M. Shivaprakash, H. N. Anjaneyappa, S. R. Somasekhara., Jaya Naik and S. Benakappa. Reproductive Biology of the Commercially Important Indian Squid, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) duvaucelii (d’ Orbigny [in Ferussac & d’ Orbigny], 1835) off Mangalore, South-West Coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 64 (1): 75-79. DOI:10.21077/ijf.2017.64.1.53127-13; IF 0.64; NAAS 6.50. Mahesh, V., S. Benakappa, A. P. Dineshbabu, A. S. Kumar Naik, M. E. Vijaykumar and Muttappa Khavi. Occurrence of Low Value Bycatch in Trawl Fisheries off Karnataka, India. Fishing Technology, 54: 227 – 23. NAAS 5.82. Halesha, K., H. N. Anjanayappa, Mansing Naik, D.P. Rajesh and P. Nayana., Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Dussumieria acuta from Mangaluru region. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 20, (1): 199-200. NAAS 5.25. Halesha, K., H. N. Anjanayappa, Mansing Naik, D.P.Rajesh and P. Nayana., Food and feeding habits of Rainbow Sardine, Dussumieria acuta from Mangaluru Region. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 20, (1): 265-267. NAAS 5.25. Rajesh, D. P., H. N. Anjanayappa, S. Benakappa, A. S. Kumar Naik and D. P. Prakash, Food and feeding habits of Atropus atropos from Mangalore Coast. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 20: 1303-1306. NAAS 5.25. |
2016 |
National journals |
Jitendra Kumar, S. Benakappa, Gangadhara Gowda, Harsha Nayak, Lakshmipathi M.T., Shivakumar M., H. N. Anjanayappa, S. R. Somashekara, A.T. Ramachandra Naik and Kumar Naik, A.S. 2016. Seasonal variations of oceanographic conditions and their influence on pelagic fisheries off Mangalore coast, Karnataka. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 19(2): 897-904. NAAS 5.25. |
2015 |
International journals |
Padmanabha, A., H.R.V. Reddy, Mridula Rajesh, Avinash Bhat and Muttappa Khavi, A. 2015. Antioxidant enzyme activities in gills of freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio (L.) as biomarkers of exposure to organophosphorous pesticide. Pollution Research, 34 (3): 553-560. IF 0.516; NAAS 5.10. |
National journals |
Jitendra Kumar, Benakappa, S., Dineshbabu, A.P., Anjanayappa, H.N., Somashekara, S.R., Naik A.S.K., Mahesh, V. 2015. Marine ichthyofaunal biodiversity in the trawling grounds off Mangalore coast. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 46 (6): IF 0.62; NAAS 6.50. |
2014 |
International journals |
Mridula Rajesh, K. M. Rajesh and H. R. V. Reddy, 2014. Assessment of microbial population in relation with hydrographical characteristics in Netravati and Gurupur estuaries off Mangalore, south-west coast of India. The Ecoscan, 8 (3&4): 253-256. Muttappa, K., H.R.V. Reddy, Mridula Rajesh and A. Padmanabha, 2014. Quinalphos induced alteration in respiratory rate and food consumption of freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Environmental Biology,35 (2): 395-398. IF 0.71; NAAS 5.57. |
National journals |
Mridula, Rajesh, K. M. Rajesh and Kamalesh Panda, 2014. Reproductive biology of mullet, Valamugil buchanani from Mulki estuary off Arabian Sea, Dakshina Kannada. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 48 (4): 336-343. NAAS 6.44. Naik, A.S.K., Jitendra Kumar, Mahesh, V., Benakappa, S., Somashekara, S.R., Anjanayappa, H.N., Manjappa, N. 2014. Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Chulkinala reservoir. Animal Science Reporter, 8(2): 48-60. IF 0.765. Gondhalli, S., Shivaprakash, S.M., Vijay, A.R., Benakappa, S. and Anjanayappa, H.N. 2014. Length weight relationship and relative condition factor of Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta off Mangalore coast, India, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 19(4): 1019-1023. IF 0.341; NAAS 5.41. Mahesh, V, Benakappa, S., Dineshbabu, A.P., Anjanayappa, H.N., Kumar Naik A.S., Vijaykumar M.E. and Jitendra Kumar. (2014). Finfish constituents of trawl low value by-catch off Mangalore, Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 17(2): 479-485. NAAS RATING: 5.25 |
2013 |
International journals |
Mridula Rajesh, H. R. V. Reddy, V. Moorthy and N. Chethan, 2013. Hydrobiological investigations along Padubidri coast, South-West coasts of India with special reference to Zooplankton. The Ecoscan, 7 (1&2): 61-66. |
National journals |
Jitendra Kumar, Pandey, A.K., Dwivedi, A.C., Naik, A.S. K., Mahesh, V. and Benakappa, S. (2013). Ichthyofaunal diversity of Faizabad district (Uttar Pradesh), India. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 16: 149-154. NAAS 5.25. Hulkoti, S.H., Shivaprakash, S.M., Anjanayappa, H.N., Somashekara, S.R., Benakappa, S., Naik, A.S.K., Prasad, L.G. and Jitendra Kumar (2013). Food and feeding habits of mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) from Mangalore Region. Environment and Ecology, 31 (2A): 672-675. NAAS 5.25. Hulkoti, S.H., Shivaprakash, S.M., Anjanayappa, H.N., Somashekara, S.R., Benakappa, S., Naik, A.S.K., Prasad, L.G. and Jitendra Kumar (2013). Length-weight relationship of Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) from Mangalore region. Environment and Ecology, 31 (2A): 676-678. NAAS 5.25. Hulkoti, S.H., Shivaprakash, S.M., Anjanayappa, H.N., Somashekara, S.R., Benakappa, S., Naik, A.S.K., Prasad, L.G., Panda, K. and Jitendra Kumar, 2013. Breeding biology of Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) from Mangalore region. Environment and Ecology, 31 (2A): 683-688. NAAS 5.25. Naik, A.S.K., Jitendra Kumar, Mahesh, V., Anjanayappa, H.N., Benakappa, S., Somashekara, S.R., Rajanna, K.B. and Hulkoti, S.H. (2013). Status of fish diversity of Varada River, Karnataka, India. Environment and Ecology, 31(2A): 786-792. NAAS 5.25. Anjanayappa, H.N., Benakappa, S., Shivaprakash, S.M., Somashekara, S.R., Naik, A.S.K. and Jitendra Kumar, 2013. Length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Priacanthus hamrur off Mangalore coast. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 16(2):475-479. NAAS 5.25. Mahesh, V., Lekshmi, P.S.S., Benakappa, S., Naik, A.S.K., Jitendra Kumar and S. Vijay Kumar Reddy, 2013. Decision Making Behavior of Fisherwomen of Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka, India- An Empirical Analysis. Fishery Technology,51: 280 - 285 NAAS 5.82. |
2012 |
National journals |
Mridula, R. K. S. Venkatesh Moorthy and N. Chethan, 2012. Distribution of heavy metals and sediments of coastal waters of Mangalore, Karnataka. Frontier Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science, 1 (1): 62-64. Rajanna, K.B., Benakappa, S., Anjanayappa, H.N., Mallesh and Honnananda, B.R. (2012). Maturation and spawning of the Horse mackerel Megalaspsis cordyla (Linnaeus) from Mangalore Waters. Environment & Ecology, 30 (1): 41 – 44. NAAS 5.25. Gowda, G., Gyanendra Singh, K. M. Rajesh, R. M. Mridula and K. M. Shankar, 2012. Development of biofilm on artificial substrates in a brackishwater pond near Mangalore, south-west coast of India. Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 27 (1-2): 13-23. |
2011 |
National journals |
Rajesh, D. P., Benakappa, S. Anjanayappa, H. N., Shivaprakash, S. M., Mallesh and Prakash, D.P. (2011) Length –Weight Relationship and Relative Condition Factor of Nemipterus japonicas (Bloch) from Mangalore Waters. Environment & Ecology, 29 (4A): 2169 – 2171. NAAS 5.25. |
2009 |
International journals |
Mridula, R.M., K.M. Rajesh, R.J. Katti and G. Gowda, 2009. Zooplankton variability in polluted and unpolluted waters off Mangalore, South-West coast of India. Pollution Research, 28 (1):83-87. IF 0.516; NAAS 5.10. Mridula, R.M., K.M. Rajesh, R.J. Katti and G. Gowda, 2009. Phytoplankton Abundance and variability in polluted waters off Mangalore, South-West coast of India. Pollution Research, 28 (1):77-82. IF 0.516; NAAS 5.10. G. Gowda, K. M. Rajesh and R. M. Mridula, 2009. Vertical distribution of polychaetes in brackishwater pond of Nethravathi estuary, India. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30 (6):1025-1029. IF 0.71; NAAS 5.57. |
National journals |
Manja Naik, Benakappa, S., Rajesh, K. M. and Mridula, R. M., 2009. Seasonal abundance of commercially important penaeid shrimp seeds in the Mulky estuary, South-West coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 56 (1): 61 – 64. IF 0.64; NAAS 6.50. Anjanayappa, H. N., Shivaprakash, S. M., Benakappa, S., Somashekara, S. R., Mridula Mendon, R. and Shivappa, M. U., 2009. Length –Weight Relationship and Relative Condition factor of Mullet, Liza macrolepes ﴾Smith ﴿ from Mangalore Waters. Environment & Ecology, 27 (2): 557-559. NAAS 5.25. |
2008 |
International journals Gowda, G., K.M. Rajesh and R.M. Mridula, 2008. Abundance and vertical distribution of macrobenthos in a mangrove – fringed brackish water pond in Mangalore, India. The Ecoscan, 2 (2):181-186.
National journals |
Nagaratna, R., Benakappa, S., Anjanyappa, H. N. and Shivappa, M. U. 2008. Length - weight relationship and condition factor of Saurida gracilus (Quoy and Gaimard) from Mangalore coast. Environment and Ecology, 26 (2): 640 – 642. NAAS 5.25. Anjanyappa, H. N., Shivaprakash, S. M., Benakappa, S., Somashekara, S. R., Krishna Bhat, C. H. and Shivappa., M. U. 2008. Food and feeding habits of mullet, Liza macrolepis (Smith) from Mangalore region. Environment and Ecology, 26 (2): 584 -587. NAAS 5.25. |
2007 |
International journals |
Mridula R. M., R. J. Katti and K. M. Rajesh, 2007. Zooplankton biomass and composition in the Arabian Sea off Mangalore, South – West coast of India. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 13 (3): 623-628. IF 0.341; NAAS 5.41. |
2006 |
National journals |
Mridula, R. M., J.K. Manissery, K.M. Rajesh, P. Keshavanath, K.M. Shankar and M.C. Nandeesha, 2006. Effect of microbial biofilm in the nursery phase of mrigal, Cirrhinus mrigala. Journal of Indian Fisheries Association, 33:103-112. Rajanna, K. B., Benakappa, S. and Anjanayappa, H. N. 2006. Length – weight relationship and relative condition factor of Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) from Mangalore coast. Environment and Ecology, 249 (3) 670 - 672. NAAS 5.25. Rajanna, K. B., Benakappa, S. and Anjanayappa, H. N. 2006. Food and feeding habits of the horse mackerel, Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) from Mangalore region. Environment and Ecology, 24 (3) 670 - 672. NAAS 5.25 |
2005 |
International journals |
Ramanath M. Mridula, Joseph K Manissery, Perar Keshavanath, Kalkuli M Shankar, Mudnakudu C. Nandeesha and Kothanahally M Rajesh, 2005. Effect of paddy straw and sugarcane bagasse on water quality, bacterial biofilm production and growth and survival of rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Aquaculture Research, 36:635-642. IF: 2.184; NAAS 8.08. |
National journals |
Rajesh, K. M., G. Gowda and R. M. Mridula, 2005. Benthic primary production in the mangrove and non mangrove areas of brackishwater impoundment along Nethravathi estuary. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 52 (4): 489-493. IF 0.64; NAAS 6.50. Marakala, C., K. M. Rajesh, M. Ganapathi Naik and R. M. Mridula, 2005. Ecology and biodiversity of macrofauna in a mangrove fringed lagoon, South-West coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 52 (3): 293-299. IF 0.64; NAAS 6.50. Ramesh Babu, K. V., Benakappa, S., Chandramohan, K. and Ramachandra Naik, A. T. 2005. The breeding biology of Charybdis (Charybdis) feriatus (Linnaeus) from Managalore region. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 53(2): 181-184. IF 0.64; NAAS 6.50. |