Department of FESE Publications
2022 |
National journals |
Nayana, P., H. N. Anjanayappa, S. R. Somashekara, D. P. Rajesh and P. Pramodraj, 2022.Food and Feeding Habits of Scoliodonlaticaudus along Mangalore and Malpe Coast of Karnataka. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 25 (1):1017-1021. NAAS 5.25 |
2020 |
National journals |
Dinesh Kumar, Ashish Kumar Mourya, Lakshmi Prasad, C. P. Singh, K. V.Radhakrishan , S.R.Somashekar,2020. Fish Biodiversity and its diversity indices in the Himalayan River Ghaghara at Northern India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies, 8(6):1559-1564.NAAS 5.53 Mangesh M. Bhosale, U. A. Suryawanshi, S. R. Somashekar and ManjuleshPai. 2020. Induced breeding and embryonic development of rosy barb, puntiusconchonius (hamilton, 1822) using synthetic hormones under captive condition. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 23 (2): 1645-1650.NAAS 5.51 |
2019 |
National journals |
Deepashree, B.J., S.R.Somashkara, K. GaganDevaiah, Priyanka M. Gowda, K. Sahana,K. Adarsh, M. PuneethRai and Jitendra Kumar, 2019. IchthyofaunalBiodiversity in Nethravati-Gurupur Estuarine system of Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 20 (1)1537-1547. NAAS5.51 |
2018 |
National journals |
Devanand, T. N.,H. N. Anjaneyappa,MansingNaik,S. R. Somasekhara, M.T. Lakshmipathi and Kamalesh Panda, 2018. Food and feeding habits of Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius,1798) from Mangalore coast, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 21(2): 995-999. NAAS 5.51 |
2014 |
International journal |
John Sajan, A. Jagadish, RamachandraBhatta, A. Sridhar 2014. The State of Subsidies: Small-scale Fisher Perceptions on Subsidies in Karnataka. Asian Fisheries Science, 27: 45-60NAAS 3.40 |
2013 |
International journal |
Bhat, M. G., R. Bhatta, and M. Shumais, 2013. User-based Financing of |
National journal |
RamachandraBhatta, 2013. Trade-offs between Land Rights and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Coastal Karnataka. Journal of Land and Rural Studies, 1(2): 229-243. |
2008 |
National journal |
Muni Reddy, R.,P. V. Ramegowda, and B. V. Chinnappa Reddy, 2008. Analysis of impact of government support to fishermen for mechanization of boats: Application of total factor productivity approach and decomposition analysis Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 42 (3). |
2007 |
National journal |
Kathy Stone, MahadevBhat, G., RamachandraBhatta and Andrew Mathews, 2007. Factors Influencing Community Participation in Mangrove Restoration: A Contingent Valuation Analysis. Ocean and Coastal Management, 51:476-484. |
2006 |
National journal |
Bhat, M. G. and RamachandraBhatta, 2006. Regional Economic Impacts of Limited Entry Fishery Management: An Application of Dynamic Input-Output Model. Environment and Development Economics, 11:709-728. Bhat, M. G. and RamachandraBhatta, 2006 Mechanization and Technical Interactions in Multi-species Indian Fisheries: Implications for Economic and Biological Sustainability. Marine Policy, 30 (3): 237-248. |
2005 |
National journal |
Dey, M. M., M. A. Rab, F. J. Paraguas, S.Piumsombun, RamachandraBhatta, F. D.Alam, S. Koshendrajana, and M. Ahmed, 2005. The Status and Economics of Fresh water Aquaculture in Selected Countries of Asia. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 9(1-2): 1-10. Dey M. M., M. A.Rab, F. J. Paraguas, S. Piumsombun, RamachandraBhatta,F. D. Alam, and M. Ahmed, 2005. Fish Consumption in Selected Asian Countries: A disaggregated Analysis by Types of Fish and Classes of Consumers. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 9 (1-2): 11-38. Dey M. M., F. J.Paraguas, NaratayaSrichantuk, Y. Xinhua, RamachandraBhatta, Le ThiChau Dung, 2005. Technical Efficiency of Fresh water pond Polyculture production in Selected Asian Countries: Estimation and Implication. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 9 (1-2): 39-64. |