+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

FESE Activities Archives

Workshops / training programs

  • “A Dialogue on Managing Karnataka’s Fisheries” from 8th -10th , Dec 2011 was sponsored by NFDB, Hyderabad at College of Fisheries, Mangalore.
  • “Research Orientation  Workshop” from 16th to 17th ,  Dec 2011 was sponsored by KVAFSU, Bidar at College of Fisheries, Mangalore.

  • A Dialogue on Managing Karnataka’s Fisheries, sponsored by NFDB, Hyderabad and co-ordinated by Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta on 8th - 10th  Dec., 2011

Demonstrations / Exhibitions/Field days/Pashu/Matsyamela

Sl. No.

Place &Date

Name of the Scientists




Mangalore & Padubidri

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Facilitated the participation of  SHG members through NABARD Support

The  MatsyaJyothi SHG enterprise could participate and sell their fish products


Mangalore & Padubidri

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Facilitated the participation of 4 SHG Members of MatsyaJyothi, Padubidri

The  MatsyaJyothi Community based enterprise could sell the fish products worth Rs.3.00 lakh and earn a profit of Rs.95,000 for the year 2011-12

Consultancy / Advisory Services

Sl. No.

Place and date

Name of the Scientist

Problem tackled

No. of  animals


Karavali Abhivruddhi Pradhikara  during 2011-12

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Preparation, consultation meetings for development of good governance system for retail fish markets at 10 locations of three coastal districts

Women processors, retailers and fresh fish vendors


Karavali Abhivruddhi Pradhikara  during 2011-12

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Preparation of a project proposal for the Bench Mark survey/Baseline survey of the Assessment of socioeconomic status of fish women traders in 10 locations

Negotiations on the Transfer of port land to the Women fishers society, Malpe


Karavali Abhivruddhi Pradhikara  during 2011-12

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Detailed technical feasibility of construction of modern fish curing and drying yard

Initial need assessment has been completed in consultation with the Malpe Fisher women’s’ Society , Malpe


Matsya Jyothi Fisher Women Self-Helf Group Padubidri
Sept. 2010- Jan., 2012

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Prepared balance sheet/income and expenditure statement 2011-12 and market plan for the products

Assessed the financial strength of the enterprise and it was found that during the assessment period the Group could earn a net profit of Rs. 95940.00 with a total turnover of Rs. 317796.00


College of Fisheries, Mangalore and National Productivity Council Hyderabad

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Field survey of two districts in Karnataka which includes Dakshina Kannada, Udupi covering both beneficiaries and non beneficiaries of minikits for fodder production apart from holding discussions with all stakeholders at various levels in collaboration with KMF and Department of Animal Husbandry.

36 beneficiaries and 10 non-beneficiaries were selected from 3 taluks and assessment of the benefits of minikits was undertaken.


College of Fisheries, Mangalore

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

A model MOU for joint/collaborative teaching and research programs with NCBS Bangalore was developed

The model MOU was submitted to the Director of Research, KVAFSU Bidar for approval


Alumni Association, College of Fisheries, Mangalore,
 Jan 2012

Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta

Guidelines for starting and implementing COFA Proposal on
Entrepreneurship Development Fund for the students of Mangalore Campus was developed

Model guidelines were framed and sent to Alumni Association


Extension Publications

Sl. No.

Name of the Scientist


Date of Publication

Name of the Publisher


Ramachandra Bhatta,  Gunakar, S.,  Aarthi Sridhar, Dr. Naveen Namboothri, Sajan John and Marianne Manuel

“A Dialogue on Managing Karnataka’s Fisheries “

Feb 2012

College of Fisheries, Mangalore and Dakshina Foundation, Bangalore ( 200 copies are printed for dissemination).

Animal Health care services to farmers

Sl. No.


Total No of Cases treated


Cattle and Buffaloes

Sheep and Goats


Fish Prawn


Fisheries Economics




Marketing and sales assistance for selling Soles, anchovies, silver bellies

3 fish products

Trainings / Workshops / Seminars Participated as Resource persons 

Sl. No.


Place & date


Topic discussed


Ramachandra Bhatta

29 -30 September 2011 at Bankers Institute for Rural Development,  Lucknow

National Seminar on Real Sector Reforms in Agriculture

Land Rights and Institutional Reforms: A case study of Coastal Karnataka


Ramachandra Bhatta

July 18-21, 2011

NAIP workshop on Fish Utilization

Business Plan For Fish Sausage Production


Ramachandra Bhatta

Regional Centre of CIFRI, Bangalore, 17-18, 2011

Training workshop on reservoir fisheries management

Strategies and actions for fisheries development in small reservoirs of Karnataka


Ramachandra Bhatta

Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bangalore and Coastal Development Authority, Mangalore,  Jan 4-5, 2012

Coastal Business Development Meet  Government of Karnataka

Investment opportunities in fisheries, fish processing, fish meal and coastal aquaculture and conflicts with industrial development


Ramachandra Bhatta

Kuvempu University Shankar Ghatta, Shimoga 23-25, 2012

Guest lectures on Sustainability and development

Growth theories, conflicts in sustainable development and international trade and WTO


Ramachandra Bhatta

St Joseph Engineering College, Department of Business Administration, Mangalore, 22-23, March 2012.

Special Invited talk at the National Conference on Achieving Distinctive Competence Through Service and Excellence”

Infrastructure Services for Industries and Agriculture in Coastal Karnataka