Extension Activities 2018-19
Participation as Resource scientist in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops
# |
Institution |
Training Programme |
No. of Participants |
1 |
Export Inspection Council, Ministry of Commerce & Industry at CMFRI, Mangalore on 28 SEP 2018 |
“Skill Enhancement in the Marine Sector (SEMS) for sustainable export opportunities: Enhanced Official control by State and UTs Fisheries Departments” by |
01 |
2 |
College of Fisheries, and KVK, Mangalore |
“Aquaclinics & Aquapreneureship Development programme” |
25 |
3 |
College of Fisheries, and KVK, Mangalore |
“Aquaclinics & Aquapreneureship Development programme” |
30 |
4 |
Fisheries Research and Information Centre (FRIC) at Bhutanal, Vijayapura, Karnataka during 19th to 21st April, 2018 |
Hands on Training on “Preparation of value added fishery products” by Dr. C.V. Raju |
45 |
5 |
Department of Fisheries and Central sector scheme on blue revolution-Integrated development and management of fisheries (Govt. of India) at Karwar, Karnataka during |
“Value added fish products to fisher folk of Uttara Kannada District” by Dr. C.V. Raju |
42 |
Participation as trainee scientists in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Winter School, etc.
# |
Institution |
Conference |
Workshop |
Total |
1 |
Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, Nagpur |
"Challenges and Opportunities for tackling Veterinary Public Health Issues at the Human, Animal & Environment Interface and XVI Annual Symposium of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists |
01 |
2 |
TNAU, Coimbatore during 12 th to 15th March, 2019 |
34th Annual workshop of ICAR-AICRP on PHET |
01 |
Demonstrations / Exhibitions/Field days/Pashu/Matsyamela
Name of the Institution |
No. of Demonstrations / Field days |
Pashu/Matsyamela |
01 |
Krishimela, Nov. 15 to 18, 2018 |
Consultancy / Advisory Services
SI. No. |
College / Institute |
Total Number |
Remarks |
1 |
Department of Fish Processing Technology |
02 |
Dr. Lakshmisha, I P and Dr. Arun Kumar P (Scientists) were deployed by Principal Investigator, ICAR-AICRP on PHET as members of the Assessment Panel of Experts to determine the root cause of rejection for USFDA refusal upon the request received from Deputy Director, EIA, Cochin and submitted the report to EIA based on the critical observation at the rejection site. Above members have regularly visited the site to examine the faulty protocols followed by the export company and the report to EIA has been submitted for further course of action. |
Distinguished Visitors to the institutes
SI. No. |
Name, Designation & Institute |
Date |
Purpose |
01 |
Dr. Soottawat Benjakul |
09/02/2019 |
Visit to the Department of Fish Processing technology to see the research facilities. |
Popular Articles in Magazines
- Arun Kumar. P. May-June 2018. Role of Post Harvest Processing in National Development, Business of Agriculture, Noida, India, P-10.
- Arun Kumar. P. Nov-Dec 2018. The Recent Development in Fisheries Governance Leads to a Large Role in Fishery Management, Noida, India, P-30.
- Poster presentation on Effect of grape seed extract (GSE) on the storage stability of fish ham during frozen storage by Nishchitha,V.S., Lakshmisha,I.P., Raju, C.V., Prakash & Roseline, L. at National level seminar on "Food & Human Welfare-Future & Beyond" Organized by the Department of Botany, Chemistry, Microbiology & Zoology, St. Agnes College Mangaluru on 15 & 16 of February 2018.
Leaflets published
Leaflets releasing ceremony from Dr. N. Kumar, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore with Dr. K. Alagusundarm, Hon’ble DDG (Engg. & NRM), ICAR, Dr. S. Sridhar, Dean, AEC & RI, Coimbatore, Dr S. N. Jha, ADG (PE) ICAR, Dr. K. Subramanian, Director of Research, TNAU, Dr. S. K. Tyagi, Project Co-ordinator (PHET), CIPHET Ludhiana, Dr. S. Ganapathy, Professor & Head, Dept. of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering and RE AICRP (PHET) TNAU
Infrastructure created
Gas Liquid Chromatography
Training & Development
Fish Sausage with synthetic casing
Dr. C.V. Raju (centre) with entrepreneurs Mr. Devender Singh (right) and Mr. Vinay (left)
Technology on the Production of Fish Sausage in Cellulose Casing
Technology transferred to Mr. Devender Singh under the technical Support of ICAR- AICRP on PHET, Dept. of FPT, CoF, KVAFSU (B), Mangalore on 17th July, 2018 in the presence of Sri. Venkatarao Nadagouda Hon'ble Minister Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, GoK, Dr. H.D. Narayanaswamy Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, KVAFSU, Bidar and Hon’ble Members of Board of Management, KVAFSU, Bidar
Technology on Value addition for Ready to Eat and Ready to Fry Fish Products
Technology transferred to Mrs. Evelyn Krupalin Bangera under the technical Support of ICAR-AICRP on PHET, Dept of FPT, CoF, KVAFSU (B), Mangalore on 17th July, 2018 in the presence of Sri. Venkatarao Nadagouda Hon'ble Minister Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, GoK, Dr. H.D. Narayanaswamy Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, KVAFSU, Bidar and Hon’ble Members of Board of Management, KVAFSU, Bidar
Hands on Training on Preparation of Value Added Fishery Products
Hands on Training on “Preparation of value added fishery products” was conducted from 19th to 21st April, 2018 in collaboration with the Fisheries Research and Information Centre (FRIC), KVAFSU at Bhutanal, Vijayapura, Karnataka