+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Extension Activities 2017-18

Participation as trainee scientists in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Winter School, etc.,



Works hop

Winter/Sum mer School



Ramakrish a mishion





Agricultur al College, Dharwad, UAS Dharwad


Statistical Techniques in Agricultural Research



Demonstrations / Exhibitions/Field days/Pashu/Matsyamela

Name of the Institution

No. of Demonstratio ns / Field days


College of Fisheries, Mangaluru


Responsible Fisheries for conserving Marine Fisheries Resources for the fishermen of Coastal Karnataka


Extension activities

Meeting and presentation:

  • Attended the meeting on Bull trawling at Vikash Soudha, Bangalore.
  • Presentation and demonstration on construction and joining of square shape webbing as codend of trawl gear in the meeting on bull trawl and light fishing at Vikash soudha, Bagalore.
  • Attended Research Advisory (as RAC member) at CIFT Koch.
  • Attended a meeting at Uppunda on problems of ring seine fishermen of Byndoore taluk

Mesh size regulation:

  • Adaptation of Square mesh technology in the trawl codend is announced in the recent Budget speech by the Hon’ able Chief Minister of Karnataka.
  • In this regard Department conducted series of research studies on use of square mesh for conservation of juveniles and sub adults from 2002 to 2009.
  • Dr Nagraj Talwar was conducted preliminary studies on aquare mesh codend.
  • ICAR funded project entitled “Studies on selectivity in trawl fishing gear for conservation of fishery resources” was carried out.
  • Produced thesis entitled “Studies on the catching efficieny of HOBT with square mesh and diamond mesh cod end” was submitted to VTU for partial fulfillment of M.Tech degree.( Shashidhar.H.Badami) and Dr Hanumanthappa was submitted to CUSAT for partial fulfillment of PhD degree entitled “Exploratory trawl fishing and selectivity studies in trawl fishing gear with special reference to square mesh cod end.
  • Series of training of programs on use of square mesh were conducted throughout the Karnataka coast.
  • Series of training of programs to create awareness on Code for responsible fishing among the fisher folk of Karnataka were conducted.
  • Adaptability of square mesh in trawl codend was jointly demonstrated by the Departmental staff and Scientists from CIFT, Kochi to Principle Secretary and Hon’ ble minister of Fisheries.