Extension Activities 2017-18
Extension Education Programmes for the year
1. Trainings/Workshops/Seminars organized, Winter School.
Sl. no |
Date |
Place |
Title |
Organized by |
Sponsored by |
1. |
05.06.2017 |
College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
1.World Environmental day 2. World ocean day |
Department of Aquatic Environment and Management |
Fisheries College, Mangaluru |
2. |
03.12.2017 |
College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
Agricultural Education day |
Department of Aquatic Environment and Management |
ICAR, New Delhi |
4. |
02.02.2018 |
College of Fisheries, Mangalore
College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
Road safety and awareness
One day World wetlands day - 2018 |
Department of Aquatic Environment and Management Department of Aquatic Environment and |
Fisheries College,
KSTA, Government of Karnataka |
Sl . no |
Date |
Place |
Title |
Sponsered by |
1. |
06.11.2017 to |
College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
10 days Short Course on -Aquatic pollution and abetment |
ICAR, New Delhi |
Participation as Resource scientist in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Winter School, etc
Sl. No. |
Name of the resource person |
Date & Place |
Type of Event |
Title of the lecture |
Organized by |
Internat ional/ National /State level National |
1. |
Dr.Gangadhara Gowda |
7th November, 2017 |
ICAR-Short Course |
Aquatic Pollution and Abetment |
Aquatic Environment Mangament |
National |
2. |
Dr. A.T. Ramachandra Naik |
25 to 27 October, 2017 Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Capacity building program me
Integrated Farming System (IFS) – 2 : A demo model of freshwater prawn and fish |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Roing, A.P. |
National |
3. |
Dr. A.T. Ramachandra Naik |
25 to 26 May, 2017 Osaka, Japan |
6th Global Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries |
Sardine oil as a source of lipid in the diet of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii |
Aquacu lture Summit 2017 |
Internati onal |
Participation as trainee scientists in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Winter School, etc.
Sl. No.
1 |
Name of the Scientist |
Instituti on |
Date & Place |
Type of event |
Title of the event |
Organized by |
Internati onal/ National/ State Level |
Dr A.T. Ramach andra Naik |
CoF, Mangal uru |
7th Septem ber, 2017 |
Training program me |
Education : Discoveri ng Oneself |
Prajna 2017, Ramakrishn a math, Mangaluru |
National |
Participation as trainee scientists in Conference/ Training Programmes/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Winter School, etc.
SI. No. |
Name of the Institution |
Camps |
Date |
1. | College of Fisheries, Mangalore | Organised International day of yoga-2017 and Yoga camp-2017 | 21.06.2017 |
Consultancy / Advisory Services
Sl. No. |
College / Institute |
Total Number |
Remarks |
1. |
18.05.2017- College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
Diagnostic vist to Vented dam built across Gurupur river – |
2. |
25.05.2017- College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
Diagnostic vist to Maravoor dam, Gurpur river |
Distinguished Visitors to the institutes
Sl. No. |
Name, Designation & Institute |
Date |
Purpose |
1 |
Dr. PSBR James, Rtd Professor and Director CMFRI |
09.01.2018 |
Visited the department and college to address the students staffs and rtd teachers |
2 |
Mrs Rani Kumudini, IAS, NFDB, Chariman |
27.01.2018 |
Visited the college and meet the Dean with Head of Division |
3 |
Dr. David Stephen, Fishery advisor, USA |
14.02.2018 |
Visited the college and address the students on opportunities for higher studies and jobs in USA |
4 |
Dr. Indulkar, Professor and Head, College of Fisheries, Rathnagiri, Maharashtra |
17.02.2018 |
Visited the department and conducted comprehensive exam to PG and PhD students |
5 |
Ronins Mcintosh, Vice President - CP Aquaculture, Thailand |
16.05.2017 |
Gave a talk on shrimp Genetics and stock improvement |
6 |
Dr C Raul, Additional Secretary DARE, Secretary ICAR, New Delhi |
01.07.2017 |
addressed the HOD’s and Visited departments and Hostels |
7 |
Dr Srinivas Reddy, Principal Scientist- ICAR, ATARI, Bengaluru |
01.07.2017 |
visited the College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
8 |
Dr. P Chaudappa, Director, CPCRI, Kasargod |
01.07.2017 |
visited the College of Fisheries, Mangalore |
9 |
Mohmmed Reza Khalili, Research Counseller of Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi |
19.10.2017 |
interacted with HOD’s and gave short visit to departments and hostels |
Extension Publications (Books, training manuals, popular articles, leaflets etc)
Sl. No |
Authors, Year of Publication, Title of Paper & Conference / Seminar / Symposia / Workshops etc., with Venue, Date & page nos. |
1. |
Dr Gangadhara Gowda, Dr Lakshmipathi M T, Dr A T Ramachandra Naik, Dr Shivakumar M, Course manual on Aquatic Pollution and Abetment, November, 2017- ICAR, New Delhi |
2. |
Dr Gangadhara Gowda, Dr Lakshmipathi M T, Dr A T Ramachandra Naik, Dr Shivakumar M, Practical manual on Aquatic Pollution and abetment, November, 2017- ICAR, New Delhi |