+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com

Dr.Vijayakumar Unki

College name : Veterinary College, Gadag

Department : Veterinary Parasitology.

Designation and address:
Assistant Professor,
Department of Veterinary Parasitology.
Veterinary College, Gadag-582101


Mobile: 9591706004
Email:  drukviju@gmail.com


Fields(s) of specialization
  • Protozoology
Recent research publications

Research Papers:


K. U. Vijayakumar., G. C. Puttalakshmamma, Placid E D’Souza, P. P. Sengupta, B. M. Chandranaik and C. Renukaprasad., 2017. Parasitological and molecular detection of bovine babesiosis in endemic areas of Karnataka state. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 87 (4): 422-426.


Sindhu K., Somashekhar Habagonde., Ashok Walikar., Pradeep Kumar V., Pradeep Chawhan., Vijayakumar Unki and Basavaraj Inamdar., 2018. The incidences of foot ailments in few districts of central and north Karnataka with emphasis on management of lameness in large ruminants. The Pharma Innovations Journal. 2018; 7 (7): 28-34.


Sindhu K*, Vijayakumar Unki, Pradeep Chawhan, Santhosh S. and Vivek R K. The role of Veterinary Profession in sustanable development to improve livelihood, food security ans safty - An outlook.. Pashubandha. 2018. Volume No: 07 Issue: 04.


Sindhu K*, Pradeep Chawhan, Vijayakumar Unki, Santhosh S. and Vivek R K. Therapeutic management of intoxication by common toxic plants in domestic animals. Pashubandha. 2018. Volume No: 07 Issue: 06.


Sindhu K*,. Ramesh Dodamani, Vijayakumar Unki and Srikanth Kalaburgi. Cold/ winter stress, climate change and its adaptation: Do livestock need moisturizers? Pashubandha. 2019. Volume No: 08 Issue: 01.