Class rooms

Seminar Hall : Well-equipped Auditorium and Seminar Hall provide easily accessible platforms for students to showcase their talents through various activities, presentations, and talks.

The library has a collection of over 14,000 books, 2,700 technical reports, 800 pamphlets, 5,800 bound periodicals and 4,700 reprints. The College receives 55 journals of which 20 are international. The College library is acclaimed as one of the best Fisheries Libraries in the country. The FAO has recognized this library for inclusions of research abstracts in their publication ASFA. The library has a computerized accessing system.

Library (Incharge)
Contact No: +91 8310773431
Email: library@cofm.edu.in

Library Assistant
Contact No: +91 7259635622
Email: shettyprafulla@yahoo.com; prafullashetty@cofm.edu.in

Library Assistant (C)
Contact No: +91 9844635008
Email: kasturishettigar@gmail.com

Contact No: +91 9980768126
Boys Hostels
Faculty of Boys Hostel

Warden Boys Hostel
Contact No: +91 9844884250
Email: boyshostelfishcol@gmail.com

Contact: +91 9686401988
Contact No: +91 7760466245
Contact No: +91 8550850695
Email: salianlatha@gmail.com
Contact No: +91 9901142028
Contact No: +91 7019884716
Girls Hostel
Faculty of Girls Hostel:

Warden Girls Hostel
Contact No: +91 9448408965
Email: fishcolgirlshostel@gmail.com

Messenger (C)
Contact No: +91 9482750411
Email: dhanyaraj949@gmail.com
Contact No: +91 8693926129

Contact No: +91 8746913586
- Students selected for admission to any institution of the KVAFSU, Bidar, are eligible to apply for admission in the hostels. Admission to students will be only to the extent of accommodation available in the hostels. Preference will be given to regular students, GOI scholarship holders and ICAR/VCI students, on first come first serve basis. Admission to those who have already completed their normal duration of the degree course to which they were admitted will be at the discretion of the Chief warden/ warden subject to availability accommodation. The Hostel Supervisory Committee will have the right to refuse admission for those whose character / conduct are been found to be unsatisfactory during their previous period of residence in the hostels.
- Application forms along with copies of the Hostel Regulation can be obtained in person from the office of the concerned Chief Warden/ Warden on payment of prescribed fee.
- Students shall submit their application for admission to the hostel in the prescribed form well in advance and selected students ca n join the hostel after paying the prescribed fee.
- The Chief Warden / Warden shall follow the guidelines given below, while selecting students for admission to hostels at the commencement of the academic year and for renewal of admission after every year.
Preference shall be given to
- Scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribes (SC & ST) and Category 1 students who are eligible for the Government of India Scholarship.
- Students from rural and moffusil areas
- ICAR/ VCI / NRI students / students with regular academic career
- Allotment or re-allotment of rooms shall be at the discretion of the Chief Warden/ Warden and allotment of rooms to a resident student shall be made only after of all the prescribed fees.
- All the students admitted to the hostel shall take their board in the hostel and they constitute the residents.
Hostel Fee
- Every student admitted to the hostel shall pay the following fee.
- One –time Mess Deposit as prescribed by the university, which shall be refunded at the time of the student leaving the hostel, subject to clearance of all the dues.
- In addition to the above fee, at the time of admission and at the start of every academic year, each student shall have to pay the fees prescribed by the university from time to time.
- Each student shall have to pay the following fee every month.
Electricity Charges :
The electricity charges (100%) shall be borne equally by all the boarders.
Mess Charges and fines :
As announced by the Chief Warden / Warden.
The monthly charges shall be paid by the residents within the stipulated period. If they fail to do so, a fine of Rs. 2/- per day subject to maximum of Rs. 60/- should be paid by the boarders. The fine will come into effect from the first day of the succeeding month the mess bill is announced. This applies to all the boarders including the Government of India scholarships.
Those boarders who do not pay their monthly charges by the end of the following month shall be deemed as defaulters and cease to be the residents. Such defaulters shall be made to vacate the hostel. They could, however, be readmitted to the hostel on payment of all dues outstanding along with the prescribed readmission fees subject to availability of accommodation.
The extra mess charges over and above the scholarships and extra boarding and lodging have to be paid by the SC and ST students every month, after the announcement of the bill, like any other student, failing which fine will be levied as indicated above.
- Students belonging to SC/ ST / Category 1 who are eligible for GOI scholarships, shall be admitted to the hostel with payment of mess deposit prescribed, provided they produce scholarship eligibility certificate from the District Social Welfare Officer at the time of admission.
- If the student having dues is permitted to register for courses under special circumstances, and he/she does not clear the dues , his /her registration may be cancelled even though the semester has started. Further, the registration may also be cancelled due to misbehavior or act of indiscipline by the student during the course of the semester.
- For any indiscipline the fine ranging from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 1,000/- may be levied at the discretion of the Chief Warden / Warden.
Common Room / sports and Reading Room Facilities
- A common room fund shall be constituted from out of the fee collected from students every year.
- This fund shall be utilized 1) for furnishing and maintaining a common room in each hostel 2) for the payment of subscription of newspapers and magazines for the common rooms and 3) for the payment of the salary of the caretakers who are engaged for the common rooms.
- This fund shall be managed by the Hostel Management Committee, all purchases being governed by the Stores Purchase Rules.
Conduct and maintenance of discipline among the students in the University campus
- Every student of the University shall abide to the rules of good conduct and respect the authority to the constituted bodies of the University.
- Every student of the university shall have with him/ her a valid student identification card with recent photograph affixed and duly signed by the Dean of the College. The same shall be shown to the university official(s) on demand.
- Students shall do everything possible to protect and make proper use of the University Property and other public property. Any student who attempts to deface / destroy the University or other public property shall be liable for appropriate punishment. In addition, the cost damage (as assessed by the university) so caused by the student(s) to the University or other public property shall be recovered from the Caution Money or Mess deposit fund of the student(s) or as ordered by the university.
- Proper decorum shall be maintained by all the students in the class room, hostel library, farms, in the transport vehicles during educational and sports tours and on and off the University Campus.
- Ragging and Harassing in any form in the University premises is strictly prohibited . Students found guilty of ragging are liable for disciplinary action.
- Every student shall be punctual to the class. Coming late to the class should avoided and the course teacher has the right to refuse admission to late comers in the interest of class discipline.
- Absenting to a class or examination enmass for whatever reason is considered as an act of indiscipline.
- No student shall disturb the normal work of the University by disorderly conduct, boisterous behavior and unauthorized assembly.
- No student shall be in a class during the assigned hour unless student has registered in that course or has the express permission of the class teacher.
- Possession of alcoholic drinks or drunkenness or drug addiction or gambling in the campus is strictly prohibited and the same shall be considered as an act of indiscipline.
- The Recipients of the scholarship/fee concession other benefits from the University or from other institution with the university/s approval will lose the benefits if they are found to involve in any of the acts of indiscipline cited above.
- Celebration of festivals on days other than authorized ones and unruly behavior on such occasion will be considered as an act of indiscipline.
- Violation of any one of the above regulation is an act of indiscipline and it shall be brought to the notice of the head of the college / Institution / Campus.
- The Head of the College / institution / campus shall examine the act of indiscipline of the student and shall take immediate action such as administering a warning, fine and expulsion from hostel and suspension from attending the classes for a period not exceeding one month pending enquiry by a Disciplinary committee.
- The disciplinary – proceeding may be instituted through the disciplinary committee which can recommend punishment in the form of warning / expulsion from the college for a semester / year.
- A student who has been found guilty by the Head of the College/ Institution / campus or the Disciplinary committee and has been fined / suspended / expelled from the college or Hostel , shall not be permitted to hold any office, elected or otherwise for a period of two years from the date of completion of punishment.
- If a student is taken into police custody on a criminal or other complaint for a period of 24 hours or more he/ she shall be deemed to have been suspended from the date on which he/she was taken into police custody without any enquiry.
- The decision of the Vice Chancellor under these Regulations shall be final.